
Pears2Pears is a network-oriented version of the popular party game “Apples to Apples” with some additional features.

Basic rules:

  • Each player is dealt seven “red-pear” cards; on each card is printed a noun or noun phrase, or possibly a gerund
  • The judge (a chosen player) draws a “yellow-pear” card on which is printed an adjective (“scary”, “humble”, “patriotic”, etc.), and places it face-up on the table for everybody to see
  • Then each player (except the judge) chooses a card that they think is the best match for the yellow-pear card, and places it face-down. The judge shuffles the red-pear cards, reads them (often aloud), and decides which noun is the best match for the adjective. This decision is subjective; the official rules encourage the judge to pick the match that is “most creative, humorous or interesting”
  • The player who submitted the chosen red-pear card wins the round, and takes the yellow-pear card to signify the win. All players then draw red cards until they have seven again, and the role of “judge” passes to the winner.
  • The winner is the first player to accumulate a pre-designated number of yellow-pear cards; the more players, the lower the total

Additional rules:

  • Each round discounts the last red-pear card played. This will encourage players to get their cards in more quickly.
  • Before a new round begins each player selects one red-pear card from his or her hand to pass on to the next player. Players pass the cards after drawing the seventh card but before the judge selects a yellow-pear card.
  • Every one out five consecutive rounds is a potpourri round: each player selects a red-pear card from his or her hand before the judge turns over the yellow-pear card. After the red-pear cards are played, the judge turns over a yellow-pear card. The judge selects the winning red card as usual.

The above rules will be closely modeled in the application which will also feature a chatbox for user interactions.

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