Forth Entry – Learning the Business

Since I am a remote worker, I do not have clerical duties. Mostly what I am doing is referring to meeting notes and designing based on these comments. I am learning more about how to conduct myself in an online environment. It has been hard being able to keep in touch and communicate through fully online means. We mostly communicate through slack and text messages, meeting every other week for a phone call or zoom meeting with my supervisor. We will go over any updates of designs in that meeting. My supervisor is better at describing what he would like to be changed while in a voice call. Writing these descriptions and criticisms through messaging is not his forte. This is something I have had to learn to compensate for.

Many clients require that their projects are not discussed with anyone outside of the company. This is something I find challenging though I understand why this is a business-standard. I want to get more critiques about a design from other designers, but of course, this is something I cannot do. Especially when working with a government agency, you cannot talk about their projects until they release them themselves. These kinds of leaks can be compromising a company or an agency, which can jeopardize their artistic integrity and even security.

In hindsight it should have been obvious, but I learned that when it comes to coding, web design, and UX/UI design projects can be in development for a long time. I didn’t necessarily think that the turnaround time would be short, 3 to 4 weeks, but I did not expect that some projects can take up to a 1 year or more. Of course, this depends on the project itself and its scope as well as the assets and interfaces needing designing, organizing, cataloging, archiving, programming, and redesigning.


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