Sixth Entry – Performance and Project

I feel I am doing a well enough job in terms of the content and quality of my work. I am detail-oriented and sometimes do more than what is asked of me, within a reasonable amount of time. I have had to talk to my supervisor about the amount of work he first gave me, which was too much for a part-time intern. Originally the amount of work given to me made me insecure in my performance and designs. But communicating with my supervisor, he says he likes my design thinking and encourages me. Although I still feel uneasy, I hope that’s enough for him. My other classes have made time management more stressful and hard to delegate assignments as they come. I have found it increasingly hard to keep up with all of this, it is affecting my performance working in my internship. In my personal opinion, the fully online environment of the workplace does not help.   

For one project, which I can’t discuss too much due to client confidentiality, I feel that I am taking longer than I should on some design details. It might be that I’m not used to delegating time to certain portions of the design that need to get done. Although being detail-oriented is good quality, it can also be a flaw. This can make me feel overwhelmed easily if I let myself get caught up in certain aspects and portions of the project. Just the idea of the scope of the project in itself is enough to make me feel overwhelmed. I have to take myself out of those moments and work on them little by little. I do some extra things, like prototyping, since I feel it helps the flow of my design presentation. It shows how the UX/UI will flow in a visual and understandable way. It usually doesn’t take up much time since I do it while I am designing.

My supervisor prefers to go straight into the high-fidelity wireframes rather than spend a lot of time making low-fidelity wireframes. This can make the project that much more detailed and I find it frustrating just due to the amount of detail needed for high-fidelity wireframes. This doesn’t help me feel confident in the amount of time I need to create a quality and adequate wireframe. I’m not sure how else I would do this, which is probably due to my lack of experience. All this makes me unsure and not confident in my work.

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