Earlier in the semester I attended a personal branding Workshop hosted by the Professional Development Center in our very own School. I missed about the first 45 minutes of the workshop because I was in class but, the portion that I did catch proved to be very helpful and informative. Although I don’t remember her name, the woman who gave the lecture was full of energy and optimism. She taught the group how to identify and list our individual talents, skills and accomplishments. It’s one thing to know them in your head, but when you list these things it’s easier to see how much you’ve accomplished, learned and are capable of while also pointing out things that you may need to improve on. This may not be positive reinforcement to some but, for me it instilled a sense of confidence that allows me to better promote myself in pursuit of a meaningful career. As part of the workshop attendees were instructed to get into groups which allowed me to interact and network with three other City Tech students with varying majors of study. We each had very different, interesting backgrounds and a couple of us still speak till this day. Overall I just want to say these FREE Workshops held by the PDC (professional development center) can be very helpful if you make time to attend. I’m sure glad I did.