- Using Law of Sines and Law of Cosines to find angles
- Exponential functions and logarithms
- Solving logarithmic equations
Definition of logarithms (Math is Fun) – this goes all the way back to the very basics.
Introduction to logarithms (Math is Fun)
Here is the slideshow on what is a logarithm and how to find exact values for certain logs: MAT1275-LogarithmBasics-slideshow
I also have a slideshow for solving exponential equations, but it needs some work.
- Read through the comments I wrote on your Test 4 papers and write down or remember any questions you have: either email me asap or bring them to class on Wednesday.
- Finish the WeBWorks on Law of Sines and Law of Cosines by Tuesday night!
- Do the remaining problems from the Final Exam Review MAT1275FinalReview, at least one of each type. Next time I will ask for volunteers to “teach” at least one of each type, NOT the ones which have videos already, and this is your last opportunity for extra credit! Make extra sure that you do the last two problems (on logs and solving exponential equations) – I will post more practice on the Final Exam review page soon.
- Read about the “old” WeBWorK assignments in the post from last time.