Academic Samples


Visual Pic 1

What inspired me to do this picture was the quote itself “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you do the better”. So I thought that it would be cool to draw some beakers and cylinders to represent a test experiment completed. To me this quote means the harder you work on something the better it will look in the end, so in this pictures I wanted to make it a little spooky with the smoke around the area with little drops of water falling down I did that because not all experiments are clean and safe there sometimes dangerous and scary depending on what your mixing. Also you never know if the experiment is for the greater good or evil for the world.

Visual pic 2

For this picture I wanted to bring the quote to life, actually I wanted to try to be a little more creative. By drawing a mystical town builds around vines and trees. What inspired me to draw this picture was a digital art work, called what’s Possible Created by Kali Ciesemier. In her artwork there are people on top of a floating island building a town on it. the message of the artwork is to invite everyone on who cares to work on what’s possible. So I wanted to draw something similar to her artwork. I related this drawing to Emerson’s quote because it shows the more you work on something the better it will become. Almost anyone can create something all you need is an idea and something to bring it to life.

Visual pic 3

This last picture I wanted to question people about this quote for instance is every experiment or creation is for the right cause. Sometimes it’s not, so I drew a atomic bomb representing the quote to make you wonder that not all experiment are for the right cause there are sometimes used for war and to basically get rid of something but sometimes the things you make is for the good of the future and it brings peace and save lives. But for this case the more you make the destructive it is. So what do you think?

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