MTEC 2120- Project One

I have uploaded my first project on github. This was my first time working with Unity 3d engine and Github app version. I did follow the steps that were shown in the class. And applied my own design choices to the project.

The project is a 3d full terrain (a forest environment) with player movement controls. At starting there are some red balls will drop on the ground and start rolling around the player. The Player can walk around and explore the map.

I use the post-process volume and tried to make a retro vibe to the environment by adding preferred color/filter.

I upload a 360 degree image taken from the Unity Engine, but capturing the video was a little complicated. Since github doesn’t allow to upload files larger than 100MB. I tried to upload it from github app, just like the way I upload the unity project folder that is about 2GB . But for some reason videos larger than 100MB can not be uploaded on github. So I had to trim my project video and make about 30sec long to make it allowed to upload on . Here is the link of my first project:

Author: Shaian Khan

Hello there! My name is Mohammed Alam. I am a video game developer & a filmmaker. I create video games & short films. To learn more about me please check out my About page!