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The Asphalt Jungle

Set in a dark urban city where danger is around every corner. The protagonist of this story is set on helping a bunch of crooks get rich by robbing a bank full of diamonds. the corruption of power had them all greedy for wealth as they want to pull a heist to filled their needs. nothing goes well for any of them as people where dieing left to right, while others were caught and place in jail. people were double cross and bad luck was upon them.

As the protagonist remember his past of an old farm out in the country side. his dieing wish was to go back there for one last time as he die trying, after being shot multiple times. this film is a great film noir that shows the corruption of power in men that can lead to a big twist of betrayal. i find this film the most confusing one yet, because some part of it was just confusing to me. The lighting and camera angles in the film was good as it capture the big scene of the robbery and betrayal.



Chian Town

I know we didn’t watch this with the professor, but ill say that this movie was good, but a bit confusing at my part since i didn’t understand it. the story was base on a detective finding the truth of who this woman was. as the detective progress farther on in his work he knew that something was wrong. the discovery that this woman was actually the daughter and her sister of the femme fiale was a big shock to me. this could only mean that the femme filale was rape by her father at a very young age, and a old creepy guy was the favor of the town who supported the water to help save the town.

the detective couldn’t do anything but help the woman and daughter/sister escape the old creep, but as they were trying to run away. The old creep shot and killed her own daughter just so he could gain custody of his own daughter.

Blade Runner

This film is a about a retire detective coming back to do one last case, to help solve a mysterious crime which was done by these androids. as the film goes on. the detective fall for this femme fatales who is one of the reaming 5 androids that are still alive in his time. the detective is question again and again by the people around, and what got me the most was when the femme fatales ask the protagonist if he had taken the same test as she did. this brought question to me that maybe…just maybe the protagonist is an android too.

there was a scene near the end of the film before the big masculine android killed himself.. he said”quite an experience to live in fear. That what is mean to live as a slave” this was a big review that somehow the protagonist is indeed an android. i feel like the whole movie was about living freely among humans even if you are an AI (artificial intelligent). There was another quote that made me think why the androids want to live freely among human, it was when the girl android said “I think, there for I am” this give life that android are no different than human.


this film was about this idiot protagonist who is trying to find his femme fatales that he created in his utopia fantasy. when he discover a familiar face only he knew. his desperation came out and try everything in his power to get near her. the government or the ministry kept their eye on you at all times. even if you make a mistake and dial the wrong number on the phone. they will come and check it out, even is it mean destroying your life. cameras are place almost every where as a way for the government to keep an eye on you. every little detail must be run by the government and they decide almost on everything.

As a way for the protagonist to get what he want in life. he had to accept his promoting that his mother got for him and move to a place he doesn’t like. in my own opinion, i find the protagonist a bit pathetic as he desperately try to get near this girl who doesn’t want anything to do with him.


The 1985 film Brazil is an odd film, it is very similar to the novel by George Orwell 1984. This movie focuses on Sam Lowry, who is a low level ministry work but is good at his job. His mother is an influential member of society. Sam is a daydreamer and he wants to fall in love with his dream girl. Throughout the film we follow Sam as he experiences the society which is under heavy surveillance, the government does not permit you to make an adjustments to the ducts without ministry approval. Sam meets his femme fatale in Jill Layton as she is trying to escape Sam as she thinks he is a part of the ministry to retain her. Same accepts the new job his mom gets him through connections she has. As he starts his new job he uses the information to track down Jill. He tracks her down and tries to escape. But they are both captured and are charged with treason. He finds out that Jill was murdered for resisting arrest. He then falls into a day dream where he dreams he escapes and is able to get away with Jill and live happily ever after. We are then aware that Sam was dreaming of his escape the whole time. As Sam is still strapped to the chair being observed by his fellow friends and they deem him a lost cause.

The Set Up

Now this movie was a really great watch for me, because finally there is some action to film noir. the story is around this old boxer call stoker who believe that he could win his fights with just one lucky punch, but as it turn out he got more than he thought he could handled. the whole fight scene was nothing but a “set up” for stoker to lose the fight so some guy could remain famous. stoker crossed the line when he decided to win the fight rather than lose, so after the fight and every body left the ring. stoker was jump by a group of tugs who broke his fits so he could never box again.i find it cruel that people would go so far just to get even with someone.

stoker wife was a bit to much in the film ill say. she just wants the best for herself: just want stoker to stop what he love doing. an act of selfishness got what she wanted at the end of the film. when stoker got jump and lost the ability to box again, and the quote the got to me the most was when stoker wife said that now they could be happy. its like she didn’t even care what happen to him at all.

Murder my Sweet

this film was a bit strange for me to understand, because of how the film goes back and forth with different characters, but i do find some parts of the film interesting. like how the protagonist of the film is helping a ex-con find his girlfriend was something a twist in film noir. you don’t really see a good person now a days helping a bad person who could man handle you at any given time, yet Phill the protagonist still deiced to help him. like all film noir in any movie the protagonist fall for the femme fatales, and this time its his client girlfriend.

the lighting in this film is great when it capture the whole scene when phill was caught and was drug. this too happen in another film noir “The Maltese Falcon” when the protagonist was drug by his enemy to find the truth. the environment of the film was set in a big dark urban city where you know something shady is going to happen.

out of the past

This film was a very interesting watch for me, because it show how easily a femme fatales can manipulate a good kind person in to doing something he regret. With just a good sad story about how her life is being treated badly by her husband, she can make anyone feel sorry for her. The lone wolf detective(Jeff) had to help this client find this beauty, only he started to fall for her. Both of them started to make plans to escape the town, but Jeff morality stopped him, and at the end when they were trying to leave town. Jeff deiced to kill them both, because of how much trouble they got them self in.

i’ll say that this film had me up around corners something with its mystery plot, because im not really a fan out black and white film, but this had me wanting to see more. the way the characters manipulate one another felt so real as if it feel like it could happen in real life. when Katy(femme fatales) told her husband about Jeff, i thought to myself that this person shouldn’t even be save. also the way she persuade Jeff in to helping her was a big mind blown for me. just thinking how could a person do such a thing to another and still want to be save show how a femme fatales is a very dangerous person in all film noir.

The Worlds of 1984 and Brazil

In many ways the film, Brazil, can be seen as a satire to the larger source material of 1984.  In both texts, they provide examples of futuristic societies that predominately feature the use of an overbearing ruling power.  While the novel of 1984 deals with real problems, such as the loss of basic human rights, the film Brazil also features such ideas but wanders around a character who is a hopeless romantic searching for the woman he dreams about.  1984 varies from this because it discusses the pain that Winston goes through while trying to find the Brotherhood and leaves his current life of oppression.  The most pain that Sam goes through is the inability to get his heating system fixed, dealing with an overbearing mother, and the long search for the woman he thinks he is in love with that he has never actually met.  Brazil is in its own way a great film.  Having someone like Terry Gilliam makes the film the direct reason why it’s so funny while having the ability to maintain a serious tone all at once.  It’s interesting to notice what he took away from 1984 while molding his own world.  If he were to have made the adaptation of 1984 that would have been interesting to see how he would have approached the material differently. 

The two societies while seeming similar in appearance are actually very different.  While both societies feature heavy uses of technology surroundings, the way in which the people operate is very different.  In 1984, the people keep to themselves for the most part and do not communicate with each other.  This feature has to do with the amount of laws and the type of laws that are being put forth in this world.  The people of the world in 1984 are stripped of their basic rights and due to this do not know how to properly act or interact.  The film, Brazil, on the other hand, features a world that is more peppy, in unison, and full of wacky, outgoing characters.  Like 1984, a large majority of society and including Sam merely just fall into place.  Sam essentially dissolves into his environment.  Even when Sam begins to take charge of situations, such as when he is trying to get to his love in the lobby of his office building and indirectly alarms the security guards, they just allow him to leave with no questions asked.  When Winston started to take charge of the situation, he got caught and was put in a cell and forced to endure his worst fear.  The film, Brazil, has a lot more of a happy-go lucky feel through the entirety of the film that could have easily become disastrous if occurring in the world of 1984.

“In This Paper I Will …”

For the most part I have never been a fan of papers having the statement “In this paper I will…”   If the paper starts off with that statement, I especially don’t like it.  The idea of a paper is to communicate what you’re trying to say well enough that people understand the ideas that you are putting forth.  Starting off a paper by saying exactly what you are arguing about and saying exactly what you’re about to argue for many pages , just doesn’t make sense to me.  It’s kind of like showing all your cards at once before the game has even begun.  Yes, a paper can still be effective with the inclusion of the statement but for me, it’s like giving away the big surprise and not having to search for the ideas.  I also don’t like the use of “I”, “me”, “my”, “myself”, or words that refer to your ideas.  The paper contains all of your ideas, you are the one who is writing it.  By writing, “In my opinion …”, this is redundant.  Of course, it’s your opinion.  Who else’s would it be?  If you are referring to someone else’s idea then that must clearly be indicated obviously.  “In this blog, I will complain about different features in papers that annoy me.”, I probably should have started with that.