Maltese Falcon

I find the movie “The Maltese Falcon” an interesting piece of work. The atmosphere of the movie set the mood on how characters will act depending on the situation. You could also say that the sounds plays an important roll as well, like in the scene when Mr. Spade was being tag by an anomalous stranger. The camera angels are by far the most typical thing anyone would notice in any movie: when it zooms in or out on something interesting, like an important person talking or the death of someone.

Detective Spade could be describe in many ways in the movie, but I would say that he’s a bit over dramatic when it comes down to persecuting his enemy’s. Surly he is your everyday typical detective who has style and class with the ladies, but his persistent in finding the truth about the killer was to much. Spade has a great personalty that allow him to make friends really quick. His clever idea  as a detective plays a good roll as a way to befriend his enemy’s to gain some sort of knowledge against them: playing the typical good cop bad cop is an example in any detective genre. Spade in my opinion have great relationships with everyone in the movie, because he always know how to take charge of a situation and turn it to his favor.

I find old classic movies boring, but ” Maltese Falcon” was a good watch. The film was filled with a lot of great convention like drama, action, mystery also the suspense in the film was great. I never like how they talk so fast in classic movies. It makes hearing them really hard, as well as the mumbles.

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