The Central Conflict of 1984

The central conflict of 1984 is the idea that one member of society can try to break the illusion of the social standards as set forth by the ruling power and the effects they have as interpreted by the individual.  The novel goes on to explore an in depth look at the effects an individual goes through when one believes that they have no choice but to fall into line.  The effects of the tremendous amount of oppression from the ruling power drills into a society member’s head that not only can freedom in terms of the law not be possessed but neither can the inner freedoms that only one’s mind possesses.  Any member of society has the ability to question injustice but the problem is that one must realize injustice is occurring in the first place and based on the meek society members in 1984, no change is in sight.  With the amount of people blindly walking in the world, some people may never realize and if they do, there is no saying that anything will change.  For Winston Smith, he tried and he failed.

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