do androids dream of mass effect

I want to talk about two things and I know it’s the end of the semester but I have wanted to talk about noir in other media other than books and do androids dream of electric sheep

It’s been hard for me to read Philip K. Dick writing I can see the man has so much to say but my god man it was easier for me to get in to hp lovecraft writing and that guys make up words ore places words that don’t belong in the sentence (I know pot call the kettle black) but still Philip K. his ideas where good an I mean really good but it’s really been a pain to get in to the book without some general help from the internet and I can see why the film is loosely based on the book I think a literal adaptation of this book will hurt everyone involved.

On the topic of other media and noir so I was playing a game called mass affect 2 electric boogaloo there was something I was seeing when I up the contras in the game making look darker and I saw that in the cinematography of this game its very much done like a noir film with using a lot of shadows on characters and with your character you can see glowing light of his/her scars in the skin and that emphasize how evil your character is in game the dialogs is nothing like a noir film in fact it’s very much an epic speculative fiction story but if you ever take the time and play the first game and the second right after there a big contras emotion the first one left you with hope the second one dredging what was to come I love the game and if you like speculative fiction and  RPGs I would say check it out.

Links to images of male Shepard and female Shepard

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