did i say how much i really love this film

I love blade runner a smart movie that was way before its time I love this film so much. You can look up blade runner in Google and you will get an overload of information the book and what it’s about to art from the film fan art and fan recreations did I say how much I live this film I want to talk about the ending of the film when Roy starts hunting Deckard like an animal starts going at him you can see the idea that he has nothing else to live fore he has been strip of whatever he had left of his humanity and when he has Deckard hanging that yeah he can let him go but why not show him mercy you can see that he was not to but that moment of clarity is shown that he can be better than humans that humanity has lost his way and empathy can still exist even when it’s not programed in to it.

On a side note Deckard is so a replicate hell you can see it in his boss the guy feels uncomfortable being around him like he has dealt with many different versions of him and that could be it if the Deckard we see in the movie is not the first one could that be part of why he hates his job and hates his life and doesn’t what to do it a part of him if he did do the voight-kampff knows that he has done this before and the word voight-kampff very German in a way but that just something else did I say how much I love this film.

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