The Asphalt Jungle

Set in a dark urban city where danger is around every corner. The protagonist of this story is set on helping a bunch of crooks get rich by robbing a bank full of diamonds. the corruption of power had them all greedy for wealth as they want to pull a heist to filled their needs. nothing goes well for any of them as people where dieing left to right, while others were caught and place in jail. people were double cross and bad luck was upon them.

As the protagonist remember his past of an old farm out in the country side. his dieing wish was to go back there for one last time as he die trying, after being shot multiple times. this film is a great film noir that shows the corruption of power in men that can lead to a big twist of betrayal. i find this film the most confusing one yet, because some part of it was just confusing to me. The lighting and camera angles in the film was good as it capture the big scene of the robbery and betrayal.



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