Blade Runner

This film is a about a retire detective coming back to do one last case, to help solve a mysterious crime which was done by these androids. as the film goes on. the detective fall for this femme fatales who is one of the reaming 5 androids that are still alive in his time. the detective is question again and again by the people around, and what got me the most was when the femme fatales ask the protagonist if he had taken the same test as she did. this brought question to me that maybe…just maybe the protagonist is an android too.

there was a scene near the end of the film before the big masculine android killed himself.. he said”quite an experience to live in fear. That what is mean to live as a slave” this was a big review that somehow the protagonist is indeed an android. i feel like the whole movie was about living freely among humans even if you are an AI (artificial intelligent). There was another quote that made me think why the androids want to live freely among human, it was when the girl android said “I think, there for I am” this give life that android are no different than human.

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