
this film was about this idiot protagonist who is trying to find his femme fatales that he created in his utopia fantasy. when he discover a familiar face only he knew. his desperation came out and try everything in his power to get near her. the government or the ministry kept their eye on you at all times. even if you make a mistake and dial the wrong number on the phone. they will come and check it out, even is it mean destroying your life. cameras are place almost every where as a way for the government to keep an eye on you. every little detail must be run by the government and they decide almost on everything.

As a way for the protagonist to get what he want in life. he had to accept his promoting that his mother got for him and move to a place he doesn’t like. in my own opinion, i find the protagonist a bit pathetic as he desperately try to get near this girl who doesn’t want anything to do with him.

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