Murder my Sweet

this film was a bit strange for me to understand, because of how the film goes back and forth with different characters, but i do find some parts of the film interesting. like how the protagonist of the film is helping a ex-con find his girlfriend was something a twist in film noir. you don’t really see a good person now a days helping a bad person who could man handle you at any given time, yet Phill the protagonist still deiced to help him. like all film noir in any movie the protagonist fall for the femme fatales, and this time its his client girlfriend.

the lighting in this film is great when it capture the whole scene when phill was caught and was drug. this too happen in another film noir “The Maltese Falcon” when the protagonist was drug by his enemy to find the truth. the environment of the film was set in a big dark urban city where you know something shady is going to happen.

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