out of the past

This film was a very interesting watch for me, because it show how easily a femme fatales can manipulate a good kind person in to doing something he regret. With just a good sad story about how her life is being treated badly by her husband, she can make anyone feel sorry for her. The lone wolf detective(Jeff) had to help this client find this beauty, only he started to fall for her. Both of them started to make plans to escape the town, but Jeff morality stopped him, and at the end when they were trying to leave town. Jeff deiced to kill them both, because of how much trouble they got them self in.

i’ll say that this film had me up around corners something with its mystery plot, because im not really a fan out black and white film, but this had me wanting to see more. the way the characters manipulate one another felt so real as if it feel like it could happen in real life. when Katy(femme fatales) told her husband about Jeff, i thought to myself that this person shouldn’t even be save. also the way she persuade Jeff in to helping her was a big mind blown for me. just thinking how could a person do such a thing to another and still want to be save show how a femme fatales is a very dangerous person in all film noir.

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