Out of the Past

In the film Out of the Past, the protagonist Jeff Bailey is a man that decided to start his life again at new beginnings, trying to run away from his past but there is only so much and so little that you can run away from. When a man comes to look for him in town Jeff is left with no choice but to go back to his past to face what he had run away from. The story of his past begins when he tells is girlfriend about how he was a private eye hired by a guy named Whit in in search of a woman who was Wilt’s mistress named Kathie, who not only shot Wilt but also ran away with his money. Jeff finds Kathie in Acapulco, Mexico to where she has fled to. While being there Kathie uses her Femme Fatal and falls in love with Jeff, in the other hand Jeff forgets about is mission from Wilt and decides that both should escape from Wilt. After they both escape the lived in a cabin only to be found by one of Jeff’s partner Fisher were Kathie kills him and runs away. Later Jeff finds Kathie’s bank book and sees a large deposit of the money that Wilt was missing, he then decides to run away from her for good. After he runs away Jeff goes on to meet Wilt, only to find Kathie there with Wilt, but Wilt had one last job for Jeff to do but after Jeff goes on to do the job he finds out that Wilt was trying to frame him. At this point Jeff ties to play a bit of the role of a hero and tries is best to get out of this mess but at the end he is left no choice to leave with Kathie after she had killed Wilt, but Jeff had plans of his own but as soon the cops came Kathie snapped and shot Jeff, leading the police to shot her and both died.

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