Murder My Sweet

In the film noir Murder My Sweet, the plot starts off when a man is looking for his wife so he goes into Detective Phillip’s office and hires him because he needs help finding his wife. Phillip Marlowe starts his job by collecting information about the missing person and writes down all details needed to find this young lady. In this film, Detective Marlowe is drugged to prevent any further investigation. Velma is the femme fatal because she wants to prevent any further investigations.  The femme fatal in this film seduces him and making him do whatever she pleased with. I liked this movie because the characters took their role seriously. I also enjoyed this movie because in the scene when Phillip was drugged you can see that he was not feeling himself. Through this scene, we observe blurry parts of the film that show how he felt while he drugged. We see him dreaming that he is running away from some one who wants to choke him.

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