This book takes place in 2021, and there has been a big war going on thats completely devastated the planet, so most of the surviving population has immigrated to mars. The protagonist, Rick, is a bounty hunter and apparently the androids come to earth illegally sort of seeking salvation. So Rick has to “retire” them, which basically means kill them. Throughout the book Rick has to find 6 androids that have left mars illegally and retire them. There is also a man named J.R in this book who works for an “animal hospital” but he really repairs mechanical animals and calls himself a vet. The mechanical animals are looked at as a commodity but they are looked down upon, sort of like an, “Im better than you because I have a real horse but you have a mechanical one.” so it causes this weird hierarchy, almost like a popularity contest. So he really envies his neighbor who has a real horse because he has this electric sheep because his real sheep died. This as a fantastic science fiction book in the sense that it creates this fake world and throws you into the center of it.