Who’s Watching Who

Pay close attention and watch; you may notice something you did not.  In today’s modern age with rapid improvements in technology and the growth of technology being used specifically for areas of surveillance, it is easy to get caught doing the wrong thing.  With an array of devices and unknown tactics at the surveillors’ disposal, it is difficult not to get caught if you are the one being surveilled and are unsure what you’re up against.  Even before the rise of technology, surveillance could easily be achieved in catching someone doing the wrong thing just by the process of physically watching.  This process, while less advanced than technology driven surveillance, in some ways requires a higher skill set as the surveillor will actually be in range of the target while staying out of sight.  In recent texts viewed and read for class, surveillance has played very heavily into the stories.  Whether surveillance is being used for the characters or against them, a clear use of surveillance is present in the material.  In some cases the survaillor can actually become the survelled if the person whom they are investigating gets wise and realizes this person is sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong.  At a certain point, a person who is under a large amount of survellance will begin to get curious of their surveillors.  When this occurs, the line of the person being surveilled breaks and in response they begin to watch.  In texts such as the novel 1984 and the film, Brazil, high levels of technology are being used to surveil characters in futuristic settings.  In the film Chinatown on the other hand, the story is set in a time where advanced technology is not present.  Despite the lack of technology, a certain level of surveillance is still achieved in the process to untangle a mystery.  Through these various examples of film noir, an overshadowing mystery is always established in the plot.  As the characters within the story strive to discover the true means of the mystery a constant use/themes of surveillance are always present.  To solve a mystery one must watch.

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