
The 1985 film Brazil is an odd film, it is very similar to the novel by George Orwell 1984. This movie focuses on Sam Lowry, who is a low level ministry work but is good at his job. His mother is an influential member of society. Sam is a daydreamer and he wants to fall in love with his dream girl. Throughout the film we follow Sam as he experiences the society which is under heavy surveillance, the government does not permit you to make an adjustments to the ducts without ministry approval. Sam meets his femme fatale in Jill Layton as she is trying to escape Sam as she thinks he is a part of the ministry to retain her. Same accepts the new job his mom gets him through connections she has. As he starts his new job he uses the information to track down Jill. He tracks her down and tries to escape. But they are both captured and are charged with treason. He finds out that Jill was murdered for resisting arrest. He then falls into a day dream where he dreams he escapes and is able to get away with Jill and live happily ever after. We are then aware that Sam was dreaming of his escape the whole time. As Sam is still strapped to the chair being observed by his fellow friends and they deem him a lost cause.

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