The Set Up is a short film noir about a boxer and his wife along with his career at an all time low. The society in this movie are all about violence and very animalistic. The main focus of the film is that boxer named Stoker who is reaching the end of his prime chasing the ‘prize” of that one final big victory. Throughout the film his lady Julie tries to convince him that it is all over and he should just end it. But he decides to go fight a very skillful boxer who has ties with Little Boy who bets big money on matches. One important scene is where Julie rips the ticket and decides not to go but every where she goes she is always reminded of boxing. Finally he wins the fight but ends up being harshly beat in a back ally, where julie finds him and the movie ends.
This short film shows a great example of the film noir and of human characteristics. You see people reacting likesavages once the match starts yelling kill him ! or other violent remarks. ANd the setting is in a busy city centered around the ring, so busy to the point no one saw or heard Stoker as he was getting beat up.