“The Set Up” is a film noir centered around boxing, the intense movies protagonist goes by the name, “Stoker” who is a aging boxers nearing the end of his fighting career and thinks he’s only a fight away from breaking his streak of bad luck. The film opens and closes with the same shot, across the street from a dark Paradise City and a clock. The dressing room where all the boxers rested before and after the fights was filled with emotions. You could clearly see who was nervous, who was excited, and who was worried. Each person in the room is specifically portrayed to be a certain way, from a overly confident fighter, to a young new fighter who’s nerves are rattling. This movie was half persistence and half romance. The fighting scenes were lengthy and as real as possible, they were almost like watching a real fight. However even though Stoker is standing strong punch after punch he cant seem to get over the fact his wife did not come to support his show which is the first time during their marriage that she has done this. Throughout the fight Stoker peeks back towards the seat he saved her in the fourth row anxiously, but she never shows up.