Monthly Archives: October 2013

Class Notes – 10/10/13

topic – what the paper is about
thesis – your position on the topuic

a good thesis:
1. encapsulates the argument of the paper
2. is specific
3. speaks to the broader themes of the paper

“In this paper, I will argue that _______________”



where is good to be found in the film noir?

what is the difference between these two phrases:

the film noir protagonist serves as the moral compass of the film
the film noir protagonist represents good in the film

if the film noir is a dark, gritty, space, how do we know what is right?
— audience?

Sam Spade
— treatment of women, greed —

protagonist in film noir always has flaws

to what degree are film noir protagonists aware of/conscious of their morally compromised actions?

the good not represented in one noir,. something you see represented through the actions of the characters — whether they regret something, or are worried about something, or feel remorse about something



— lose time
— film goes on without you or the character knowing what’s going on


point of view — and how we as spectators are aligned/or not aligned with the characters we’re watching

— during a black-out, our position as the audience is aligned with the character’s pespective

Asphalt Jungle
what are we meant to admire in a heist film?
— loyalty and friendship among the group
— teamwork
— how the plan was executed
— specialization
—> pressure felt by team and by audience

Murder My Sweet

Murder My Sweet was probably the most confusing, but in a positive way of all the films we have seen so far. The twists and turn to create an effect of mystery was endless from the start of the film. Like most of the film noir films we have sampled so far, the plot starts with the main protagonist, Philip recollecting the event via flashback effect. Like most film noirs, this was built on the basis of mystery and skeptics. Philip was hired by an ex-con to find his long lost missing girlfriend. This was the beginning of spiraling events for Philip. Throughout the film it has kept the audience on the edge of their seat. Philip gets drugged and roughed up, there is not one but two femme fatales and countless amounts of murders and mysteries. The main mystery from the very start was who was the missing girlfriend, Velma that he was suppose to find. This was lead on up until near the very end, which showed that Helen, the wife was the person he was looking for all along. Helen or Velma turns out to be a mass murderer and a crook in her own right. In the end it seemed that the good finally prevails in this film, and the protagonist actually ends up with a femme fatale in the end, which was the step-daughter of Helen/Velma, Ann. I felt this was done due to the current events of the time, which was after the Great Depression and during WW2.

Murder My Sweet

In this film we see a man, Phillip, trying to isolate himself to a small remote town and leave his past behind. Unfortunately for him his past catches up to him, in the form of his old partner when he was a detective. His partner was working for a man who wants Phillip to go and find his old girlfriend who ironically is the wife of another old man she is plotting on. Phillip gets caught up in the middle of this woman, the femme fatale Velma’s, scheme in which she would get her husbands riches and run off with the money. Fortunately Phillip gets tips on and off of who she really is by her stepdaughter Ann and is able to decipher her evil plot before it can come together. In the end he ends up running off with Ann and the movie ends with them kissing in the back of a taxi.

Murder My Sweet

This was a very interesting movie with good intertwining story lines. It began with the detectives first client who was a big man looking for someone. The detective listened and received a description of who he was looking for. The big man takes him out to drink and gets into a fight then somewhat forgets who the detective is and what hes doing for him for a moment. This showed the  big man isn’t very smart and seems to be easily convinced. The detective later had a man enter his office who was telling him about a trade off for a Jade necklace and wanted the detective to help him but the detective wanted no part until the man started waving his money around. The detective later asissts the man in his venture only to be knocked out and see his client beaten to death. The detective then decided to look into this mystery and started snooping around until the end of the film where the criminal was revealed to be the person he was looking for all along for the big man. This movie was much more entertaining in comparison to the other film noirs we have watched in the class.

Murder My Sweet

    In “Murder My Sweet” we see a classic noir film in action. We have a detective get entwined in different conflict that revolve around him as gets deeper and deeper into the case. Now for the film it can be argued that there are two femme fatales in this film but I would stick with one, Helen or Velma. As a femme fatal would she does end up double crossing Marlowe but we do not find this out towards the very end. Marlowe admits many times he is not the brightest detective so during his investigation he is never able to piece together that he is on a wild goose chase which attests to his inability to really solve this crime. In other noir films our detectives are the best of the best where here we are left with a detective that only knows as much as the audience. What makes this film different from the others is that Marlowe has a happy ending after the bloody ending in which most of the people he comes into contact with meet their demise. I found this happy ending characteristic of the film very strange compared to all the other films we have watched up until this point. I was sure there was going to be another twist before the credits rolled but alas nothing. Perhaps the negative part of the ending was that he would be temporarily blind but this pales in comparison to other film’s protagonists.

The Asphalt Jungle

The asphalt jungle was different from the other Noir films we have seen thus fair. In terms of atmosphere, lighting and personas it was all Noir but there was a very distinct difference. The difference was that the main character was not a detective looking to solve a case but a known criminal looking for a get-rich-quick-scheme to buy back the horse his family lost. Another distinct difference is the absence of a femme fatale. Dix is motivated by nothing other than his own ambitions. In film noir the femme fatal for the most part is involved with the protagonist’s demise but this time he is killed of his own accord. But it has to be said that the roles of the femme fatale could have been given to male counterparts. Dix was double crossed by the lawyer that Doc approached for the financing of the heist and Dix grows very fond of Doc towards the end of their adventure. The absence of a femme fatal would have something to do with this film being about actual villains committing a crime rather than a detective trying to get to the bottom of a crime.

Murder My Sweet

In Murder My Sweet, Philip Marlow, was hired by an ex-con to track down his former girlfriend. He soon finds himself in a complex position after falling in love with this femme fatale. I found the film enjoyable and all the actors were perfect characters, the camera angles created pools of light throughout the film and moody silhouettes. These shadows and angles are one of the themes I’ve picked up watching film noir and are essential to these mysterious films. Even the first shot of this movie hits you with a glaring light in a dark room while Marlow is being questioned by the police. It was truly a beautiful piece of entertainment.

Murder, My Sweet

Murder, My Sweet starts in a strange camera angles in the darkness with a lamp where police usually shines at the criminal. This portray a sense darkness and mysterious. Then, Marlowe narrates what had happened to his client and the jade. The femme fatale, Helen Grayle is a tramp that marries to a high society man but she is always cheap and manipulated. Its seems she wants to turn Marlowe into a criminal. Compare to the femme fatale in Double Indemnity, the femme fatale in the Murder, My Sweet never success in seducing Marlowe to achieve her goal. As always, the main character in the noir film is a clever and slick person that able to make things straight at the end of the movie.

The Effectiveness of Effects – Murder, My Sweet

            After seeing the film Murder, My Sweet in class one of the moments that really stood out to me was when Philip Marlowe gets drugged and knocked out.  This is a similar occurrence to Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon getting drugged and knocked out.  While both films have the characters getting drugged and knocked out, the experiences couldn’t be more different from one another.  In The Maltese Falcon it’s almost as if Sam Spade isn’t affected by it that much and just wakes up a little while later.  In Murder, My Sweet you get a full on experience of Philip Marlowe’s drugging presented in a “Twilight Zone-ish” way, which is very effective.  With this type of approach, an audience can fully gauge what Marlowe is going through.  When Philip Marlowe finally wakes up you can almost feel and sense how groggy he is.  By incorporating the effects properly and using the story at hand, it makes for a great example of how certain effects can really help aid a story.

Out of the past

This film begins with a man looking for Jeff Bailey. Jeff Bailey is a simple gas station owner. He works with a kid who is deaf. The man looking for hims starts at a diner then travels to the gas station asking the kid some questions. This man then speaks to Jeff about their old life about how they both were detectives. Jeff then reveals his past to his girlfriend telling her the entire story of his life as a detective and how he buried his partner who his old girlfriend killed.

I enjoyed this film the most out the ones prior because it had a much more interesting storyline. The characters seemed much more realistic and the story kept itself interesting. The loyalty each character had was questionable except for the kid. Since the beginning you could tell the kid was going to be loyal to Jeff since he looked like he didn’t trust anyone later he saves Jeff’s life. This film was the typical film noir with a femme fatale who gets the main protagonist Jeff in trouble except in this film she tries it twice, once being in the past and then again in the present.