Double Indemnity

In the noir film, “Double Indemnity,” Walter Neff is a smart, hard working sales man. Until, he visits his client, Mr. Dietrichson, to remind him that his automobile insurance have to be renew. Instead of Mr. Dietrichson, he meet Phyllis. She is a femme fatale in the film, which is defined as totally attractive and leads the protagonist into danger for what she wants. Phyllis wants Neff to kill her husband so she can get the insurance money. Neff refuses but because his lust for her he agrees to.

In contrast to the “Maltose Falcon,” “Double Indemnity” is more interesting because the film starts with Neff is wounded and he confess in his office. The flashback style of the film give the audiences at glimpse of what happened. It made the audiences want to know what is the story behind it. However, I like Spade better than Neff because lust doesn’t fool Spade and he is slick. He fools his enemies back.

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