9/12/13 Assignment

                As time passes in any given genre, the genre itself will get defined by certain plot points and character archetypes.  When this is occurring this is how very specific genre conventions are formed.  Genre conventions can sometimes be good while other times they can become inappropriately used or even misused.  After watching The Maltese Falcon, there were definitely a few genre conventions that could be seen.


                Genre conventions can be helpful when mapping out a plot.  One convention seen in the film is how the film starts off with a back story already in progress and the idea of trying to find an object.  This is then put into The Detective’s agenda as a case and he is caught between multiple forces trying to find the object.  The archetypal characters then use him as fit for their own agendas.  One character in particular that is a big genre convention is Brigid, the femme fatale archetype.  She is “playing” The Detective and has been the leading force of chaos from the start.  She is seen as a sweet and innocent woman but is merely just acting the whole time.  The genre convention of the femme fatale is then followed by how The Detective sees right through her and knows she is lying but then another genre convention of The Detective and The Femme Fatale characters having a connection; mostly sexual.  Another character that can be seen as a convention is Wilmer, the low level lackey gunman.  This character is undermined and has a hot uncontrollable temper.  In replay to that The Detective will specifically poke fun at him, outsmart him, and continuously push him on.

                The character of The Detective is always an important feature to get down.  To the audience The Detective is liked because he is doing the right thing (sort of) and winning.  Features that have generally stuck with the archetype of The Detective character is the idea that the character plays within the set of The Law but bends the rules to get results.  He is considered to be an untrustworthy force by both the policemen and the criminals.  In The Maltese Falcon, The Detective is not trusted by the police and they question him.  In response he puts up his tough exterior and mocks them and treats them with very little respect because they are on his back after he has done nothing wrong.

– Mike Lee

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