2nd Update (Bug fixes)

Samuel Levine helped me with the code in my game and helped me work out a lot of bugs…

The buy/brew potion button in the shop now works! if I collect three Laughvender (Purple flowers) and have more than 2500 coins, I can buy a health potion.

The day and night cycle now works, we no longer have to change it from day to night, it now changes on its own 🙂

The two other flowers, skull flower, and Dandy Lion can be collected
Pressing the restart button actually resets the whole game, and not just resets the values (there is a glitch where Nova’s Heath Bar does not show up until attacked).

Day slowly turning into night.

Nova now has several new elemental attacks…
(I still need to give them different attributes, so it does more or less damage to different enemies.)

Shadow Attack
Light Attack
Water Attack
Ice/Snow Attack

I can finally access the shop by pressing the E key instead of just colliding into the shop to open it. I need to change the open and close menu option to the Q key though. So, interacting with an NPC is E, and Open the menu and utilize the mouse to move around the menu is Q. Some textures were updated, but maybe I will change them again (trees and leaves).


  1. Sketch out new designs for new NPC, buildings, nature, texture (grass, roads, ground, ice, etc) models
  2. Design/Sketch a visually better inventory
    shop and mission page (change UI setup (make it to the side or take over the whole page) and dialog at the bottom with changing profile expressions
    make bag/scroll/map/encyclopedia/settings icons for UI.)

Design for new shop and UI interface
  1. Design 8 other areas/worlds
  2. Remake the walls to include gates to the other areas (there will be a toll to pass through the gate/or maybe to buy a key that is made of gold and embedded with magic, from the witch of that area)
  3. Get rid of mine in the first world (mine idea will be scrapped for now, so no underground world)
  4. Design ‘hover overhead icons’ (sketch it, then make it in Illustrator)
    Make icons that hover of NPC’s heads
    Hostile/ swords crossing angry vain 🙁
    Neutral -_-
    Friendly 🙂
    (?) first meeting
    (…) waiting for the mission to be completed
    A star or gift box meaning they have a gift
    Maybe a conversion bubble when they have something funny to say or info
    Berry/Flower collection icon (over bush)
    Gold collection icon (over chest)
  5. Add simple dialogue boxes to Cherry and Forest Witch in the first world
  6. Add Friendly boxes that will stand in for friendly NPC’s (to work on dialogue and mission dynamics)
  7. Make enemies pop in but place icons over their heads to show they want to battle, to further distinguish allies from enemies
  8. Disable walk when inventory, shop, and missions window is active (or just keep it active to walk away from wordy conversions 0.0 )
  9. Make a save function
  10. Make the gold in the chest not reappear and give player different amounts to encourage more exploring and gold gathering
  11. Maybe change the bushes, design a new bush idea (make them lower, and have an icon for collection)

eight more lands (trees/castle guardian for treasure/creatures available/witches available)

forest (oak trees/stone golem/unicorns,tree nymphs,fairies/general witch)
water (palm tree nymphs/leviathan/kelpie, siren, water with, octopus, mana ray/water witch)
snow (pine tree dryas/ice golem/snow Lynas, snowperson)
fire (charcoal trees with smokestacks/fire golems/ hell hound, fire sprite, demon /fire witch)
dark (carnivorous tree nymphs/ dark golem/ vampire, Lycan, dark unicorn,windigo,spider,ghost/shadow witch)
stone/town where witches live/surrounded by dark forest (witches, dead/ominous trees, shadow demons)
sky (high in a tree or up a vine to the cloud area)) (harpy, Griffen, faires…)
rolling planes/grasslands with some greek stuff here (shrubs, a nymph in the large tree/ minotaur, deer centaur, satyr, one headed hydra)
land of the fallen dragons (there is a powerful phoenix there)

Potential MISSIONS
general missions available in all areas
keep rouge and trouble makers inline
restore the health of NPC’s with green fire
give requested items to NPC’s
become an elemental dragon
defeat castle guardians to collect the treasure
Find a baby unicorn and bring it back to the herd
Help forest witch learn more spells
Allow sakura to become a rainbow tree by grafting elemental flows to ger tree for easier flower gathering (she wants to help the player)
melt ice blocks on the road for safer travel
find missing snow Lycan puppy
help rebuild melting buildings using ice breath
Buy icy coat/icy frills and ice potion
blow the hottest fire on a cold hellhound
Buy fire dress/fire ribbon and fire potion to make Nova’s fire stronger
help heat up witch’s brew and keep away evil creatures from the fire
bring ingredients to witches
Buy stone soles/stone buttons/armor and Defence Potion to make defense higher
win a race through the lands against the minotaur/ find her in the maze
use your claws to sheer off satyr’s wool
deliver mail for grounded griffin
Buy grass rope belt/light green healing dress and Energy Potion to make higher hp and a wind potion to have air barrier/tornado powers
­kelipe fur is highly adhesive
find octopus’s missing tentacle
Buy bubble bracelet/water dress to breath water bubbles instead of fire
(wets opponents and hit with ice to cause more damage)
find bone pile for windigo
bring silver to artsy lycan
bring a voluntary human to vampire
Buy dark fire potion to restore energy/makes Nova into a moon dragon

Work done so far ^_^

Old UI (no shop)
New UI and Shop UI (look at the buttons ^_^ they are shinier, I made them in Illustrator)
New UI, the top right hot bar has an inventory, missions, random notes, and settings.

The inventory has a potions section, hat, tops, bottoms, shoes, flowers/berries, magical items (basically items you get from missions and defeating hostile monsters), and mission items that are found in the world and can be given to NPC’s.

Here is the missions section

SuperNova Dragon so far…

So Far
The game has a win-lose condition of defeating all of the hostile monsters, a working UI for health bars, plants gathered, potions collected and coins collected. There is music, a fire attack animation, walking, and idle animation. Different damage output from different enemies. It took me about a few months to make this on my own, but I had help with code from my teacher (
Samuel Levine). I figured out how to make a codeless map. There are a few glitches where enemies disappear over time that need to be fixed.

Plans for the future
For the final project, I wanted to add eight more lands (with either own elemental theme) that are all connected by magical gates (in a 9×9 grid), a better dialogue system, better inventory, and a way to buy potions by opening up a dialogue box instead of just colliding with the shop. I also want to add elemental clothes and armor, to help change Nova’s fire attacks to different elements and make her stronger. I going to redo most of my models to make them look better and fix the lighting. I also want to add missions for non-hostile monsters and add way more monsters, loot drops, and a way to monetize the game. I also want a proper, automatic day and night cycle for the skybox, since the day and night cycle I have now is manual.

Next Step
I will begin working on dialogue boxes first since there are already some NPC’s in the game  (I’ll start with inductions and goodbyes, then move on giving missions and simple conversation). First I’ll make a working dialogue box and attach them to stand in NPC boxes to see if they work.