Reflection on the Internship Experience

As my internship progresses, I am grateful for the weeks spent learning and growing as a designer. This experience has deepened my understanding of architectural design principles, a field that was largely unfamiliar to me before, and has also equipped me with new software skills, enhancing my 3D modeling and rendering abilities. These technical skills are invaluable assets that I will carry forward into my future career.

Additionally, this internship has transformed me into a better designer, collaborator, and communicator. By working closely with my team, supervisor/mentor, and various individuals within the design firm, my ability to communicate ideas effectively and work efficiently has improved. These soft skills have proven to be as valuable as my technical skills in the professional world and will serve me well in all my future endeavors.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

However, one of the most rewarding aspects of this internship has been the opportunity to establish a professional network. The relationships I’ve formed here are invaluable, and I am confident that they will last a lifetime. These connections will not only provide me with ongoing support and mentorship but also open doors to new opportunities in my career.

Overall, this internship experience has been incredibly rewarding and enriching. It has equipped me with lifelong skills and experiences that I will carry with me throughout my career.