The Carbs Project

I’ve split the class into 3 groups. Everyone in the group is required to take part. The assigned secretaries will post the results of the findings here on Openlab as a new post. We’ve seen that the City has passed a cap to large beverage sizes in an effort to curb the obesity epidemic. This project is geared towards putting the beverage cap into perspective by quantifying the caloric impact on our diet and thinking a little about the economics.

Group 1:

  1. Identify the sizes of drinks containers currently available at 2 fast food venues and at 1 movie theater.
  2. Identify the price of each type of beverage at each size for each location.
  3. Convert the sizes from fluid ounces to milliliters.
  4. Indicate the price per volume of each size.
  5. Calculate the cost of drinking 1 of the largest size versus 1 of the smallest size every third day for 30 days at the least expensive venue.
  6. Assume that the cost difference to the vendor between dispensing the largest and the smallest beverage size (before the cap) is 2%. Based on the sales price, how much money does the vendor lose when a customer purchases the smallest size instead?

Group 2:

  1. Find the amount of calories that a male of 175 cm and 82 kg should be consuming on a daily basis.
  2. Indicate the amount of calories consumed per meal considering there are 3 meals in a day.
  3. If a 591 ml bottle of Coke is consumed at each meal, indicate the amount of calories left over for the meal.
  4. If a 100 ml can of Red Bull is consumed at each meal, indicate the amount of calories left over for the meal.
  5. If a 695 ml can of Four Loko is consumed in a day (not at each meal), indicate the amount of calories left over for the day.
  6. Consider the individual drinks 1 bottle of Coke a day while consuming the regular amount of calories.
    • How much walking must he do to burn those extra calories in a day?
    • How much running in a week must he do to burn off those extra calories each month (30 days)?

Group 3:

  1. Identify the sizes of drinks containers currently available at 2 fast food venues and at 1 movie theater.
  2. Convert the sizes from fluid ounces to liters.
  3. Calculate the total calories of each sized drink using the information found here.
  4. Calculate the amount of sugar packets in each sized drink based on the amount of calories using this data.
  5. Calculate the amount of sugar packets in apple juice served in each size beverage found at the fast food restaurant.
  6. Find the amount of calories in an actual apple and
    • calculate the equivalent amount of apples in the small apple juice
    • calculate the equivalent amount of apples in the small Coke

This assignment is due October 18th.