Category Archives: Introduction

My Nursing Philosophy

        My philosophy of nursing is nurses have an obligation to provide holistic, culturally competent, and patient centered care to their clients while upholding and advancing their nursing profession. Our responsibilities to our clients should never be jeopardized. Guiding our clients towards spiritual wholeness to support and promote physical and emotional healthiness should be a priority. Nurses should be compassionate and empathetic in all we do. Advocating for our clients and making sure all their needs are met is a vital part of nursing.

      Spreading nursing knowledge and acquiring more knowledge is one of my passion about the nursing profession. Nurses are obligated to teach not just our clients but also new nurses entering the profession. It is our nursing duty to educate our clients about their disease process and management of these disease processes. Mentoring new nurses to become strong and confident in their skills and nursing abilities should be a priority in order to develop productive nurses. The globalization of the world has increased the importance of culturally competent nursing significantly. Advances in information technology has connected the world together. Increased migration of individual nationally and internationally has created very diverse communities.

      Every nurse should make it their responsibility to strengthen the nursing profession, by always striving to advance the nursing profession through education, research and self enhancement.