Self Reflection

       I remember the anxiety attack I had after my first day in fundamentals with my professor. I am currently having those same feelings as I am finishing up my bachelor degree in nursing. The only difference are the thoughts that are crossing my mind on both occasions. Although they produced the same feelings of anxiety, they aren’t the same thoughts. That faithful first day of nursing school, all I was thinking about was all the work that was required of me as a nursing student, all the papers, all the self study and all the extra hours, I needed to invest in my future. As the semesters passed by, tears were shed and my ability to stay strong when it seemed like everything was falling apart was tested.

      Over the years I have grown as an individual and also as a nurse. I have graduated from a nursing student to a nurse with the help of the intense nursing program my school offers. During my educational journey at New York City College of Technology, I have taken advantage of the great qualities of the nursing program my school has to offer. With clinical rotations in different hospitals, I have been exposed to the nursing clinical world. Also I have greatly improved my knowledge of nursing and have become proficient in computer literacy. I am going to continue to develop my knowledge in advanced nursing techniques, and interpersonal skills.

       I have learned a lot during my educational program. The importance of advocating for others is engraved in my brain as well as my heart because this is the core of nursing. Providing client centered care is something that I have learned and will continue to implement as I grow as a nurse. I have developed excellent communication skills over the years which I previously lacked. Nursing requires giving ones self to others and being selfless at most times. This is something I have being able to develop over the course of my nursing program and will continue to improve on.

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