Hello class many of you may not remember me but I was the kid who came in the first week of school and never came back. Many situations arose after that week with family including myself that is very personal for me to describe what occurred. On the other hand I can assure you that everything is fine and is back to normal since March 1st. I was planning on going to school that first week of March but I will not lie to you I have been getting lazy. Now with this outbreak of the coranvirus I’m definitely not going outside. It is very unbelievable from one moment to another 1 case of this virus found in the United States ended up to hundred being infected. When I heard about this outbreak I honestly didn’t think it was going to be a big deal but I started to know a big difference when I was working and our reservation plummet down to barely anything an example would be from 150 reservation to 15 before we open as well as that toilet paper cannot be found anywhere which blew my mind where I still don’t understand why are they sold out everywhere. The one thing that bothers me about this pandemic is how people are over reacting with buying supplies. As for those who are buying in bulk are causing a big problem in stores acting like they can’t shop for it another day. Yes we are quarantine but you can still go outside and buy essential items where either way down the road you are still going to leave your house at some point. Either way ever since Saturday March 14th I did lose my job since the restaurant shut down due to the virus but it hasn’t impacted me in any way being I normal saved my money but for those who really need the money from restaurant job I can’t imagine what type of problem there going through right now. As for being in quarantine it horrible I can’t be in this house anymore Im bored out of my mind. This assignment is actually fun to do right. I honestly can’t wait for this to be over I miss the old time going to school and work. You’re gonna hear more from me beyond this point today. This pandemic better be over soon.