Submitted by: Angello Licona           Course: ENG 1121 Section 402

Professor: Schmerler

Date: 5/19/2020


Table of Content:

-Unit 1:

Section 1: Journey to writing

Section 2: Inner Outer Assignment

Section 3: Unit One Reflection


-Unit 2:

Section 1: Diary Excerpts

Section 2: Diary of a Wimpy kid reflection

Section 3: Unit 2 Reflection


-Unit 3

Section 1: Skills

Section 2: Unit 3 Reflection



Unit 1

Section 1: I always had a hard time writing at a young age, people would say that I was a late bloomer and I would agree with them since when I remember my younger self, I would always see myself writing on a piece of paper but not writing any words because I did not know what words even looked like. As I progress through school, my writing has gotten better and it needed to so that continue to get good grades but it was a double edge sword since pushing myself to improve my writing for the sake of my grades, I saw it as only a chore and I wanted to get over with it as soon as possible so in the end I just made writing into self-torture and I thought it was going to be that way for the rest of my life. However, to truly be interested in something and make it last a long time, all you need is a simple push and that push for me was anime. People will immediately criticize you for talking about anime and try to discourage you for even watching it but I did not let those people’s words get to me because anime was a spark of creativity and thankfully I had many people who would support me and my interest. The person  who helped me the most was my high school teacher because when I told her that I watched anime and read manga, she told me that it counts as reading since I was also reading the subtitles and encouraged me to keep going which was the start for me to enjoy writing. I am not necessarily picky on which genre I watched because I watched from action to romance as long as the quality of the show was good then I would most likely watch it.

If I were to put a number on the total number of shows I’ve watched and without mentioning the number of episodes and seasons then it would be around 800 so I can say that I am aware of most of the cliché that most anime are fond of using. Thanks to the amount of shows I have watched, I can write many scenarios that are completely original like the time when last semester, I had to write a story of how bees were important to our planet and I wrote a story of how all the bugs and insects that pollinate plants went extinct and how it negatively affected the world. This world had its people dying of starvation and how the total population was in the millions and how my character was aimlessly wandering around the world for a vain attempt to see if there was a place that had a stable supply of food. None of the anime I watched had this type of scenario but because I watched their shows, I had gain my own sense of creativity and I started writing down my thoughts down on a journal or I should say diary since I write from my point of view that I won’t forget the ideas I get when I just go into a daze sometimes.


Section 2: The inner outer dialogue was a unique assignment that I had never done before, so it was nice to pay extra attention to my surroundings. However, after a few times it got boring because I never really change my commute to school so I noticed the same people almost everyday at the same time in the morning. This made the assignment lose a bit of its unique appearance if we needed to do it before we go to school.


Section 3: This unit has been enjoyable for me because the professor was someone who I can relax around and not worry about her giving us a bunch of assignments or being extremely strict with us about our grade. The amount of freedom we had for writing is what I found to be the best part because it allowed me to write what I want without the worry of being judge heavily by my classmates and if I were to give myself a grade, it would probably be around 80.



Unit 2

Section 1: March 25, 2020

6:00 am

i woke up early even though i wanted to go back to sleep, so i went to my mom’s room where she was getting ready for work and she said goodbye to me and then left.

7:00 am

i decided to take a shower much earlier than i usually do just to pass the time since i was bored.

8:00 am

my sister took the only laptop we had to do her school work so i had to wait for her to finish.

10:00 am

i noticed that my dad was going to cook ground beef for lunch so i went to the supermarket to get some pasta, where i had to wait outside in a line because only ten people can enter at a time.

3:00 pm

my sister finally finished her work to i could get started with mine which was mostly math.

4:00 pm

i took a nap for at least 4 hours since waking up early ruined my internal clock so i was mostly tired for the whole day.

8:00 pm

I noticed that my family got a new laptop so my sister and i don’t have to share and we could finish our work at the same time.

10:00 pm

everyone went to sleep but thanks to my nap, i knew i would not fall asleep again so i took out the zzzquil that i kept hidden from my family and took a little for than usual to fall asleep faster.

Section 2: the diary of a wimpy kid is a nostalgic story for me and for many people I assume since it was an extremely popular book in middle school. I remember always asking my parents to buy me the new books that came out so I can keep up on what’s going on with the main character’s life. Reading the story now makes me realize how much of a terrible person Greg Heffley is because reading it as an adult makes me see his actions that were blinded to me as a child. Greg is the type of person who cares mostly about care about himself and the artwork in the book is one example since most people other than him and his family have weird design and even exceptionally large nose. Whenever he is in a situation that gets him in trouble, he immediately blames other people for the mess or even worse put all the blame on them. Now I want nothing to do with the books since I can’t really relate to someone who in the first sentence in their first book writes that they are practically the best person they know.

Section 3: the beginning of this unit was like the last one except the fact that we were forced to stay in our homes for the most of it. Before that, it was more fun since I interacted with my classmates more often which gave me more confidence in trusting them since did not want to make any friends in this university because I just got out of highschool. My grade would be as great now since the virus basically ruin everything so the most I can give myself is a 70.


Unit 3

Section 1: my skills are mostly observation. What I mean by that is that I pay more attention to the things that people usually don’t care about. I am like a critic when it comes to anime or movies and all my reviews are honest and non-biased. I really enjoy picking apart small details that stood out to me and give it a grade between 1-10 to show how much I appreciate it.

Section 2: I am truly embarrassed to be writing this reflection since I allow myself to slip in my class work, I’ve done some of them yet those are not excuses I should be making right now. All I can say that I regret this quarantine because I am the type who prefer to do things in person and not in front of a screen. The grade I would give my self is at most a 60 because I really think really wanted to take advantage of this class and everything I could have learn from it.