Kebeon Jackson

Professor S. Schmerler

Eng. 1121 Sec. 402




UNIT III – Learning from Each Other: Affinity, and Inquiry


















Welcome to Kebeon’s Skill Document


  1. Playing Soccer
  2. Video Games

1.Here You will tell us a little bit about WHAT YOU ALREADY KNEW BEFORE the confinement/what your experience has been with this skill/activity.

Before confinement I really enjoyed things like taking the train to class, while trying to write diary entries. I also liked the fact of being in class and interacting with my classmates and my professor. She is a very humorous person in her own way. Some of the things I would do in the spare time I had between classes and working was playing soccer and video games; FIFA being my favorite and probably the only one I play. But more or less playing soccer is something I love doing. I have a genuine passion for the sport and a love for the competition and rivalry between each player. It’s a very physical sport that requires strength, skill, lots of concentration and some athleticism. I would usually play in games on five versus five or ten versus ten. It is a sport that requires a lot of coordination between vision and movement and sometimes a little physical ability between players.


  1. Here You will tell us SOMETHING NEW you learned about it during this confinement period. If you haven’t learned anything new, then go out now and find out something(s) that you didn’t know about it before! 

One thing that I learned is that there cannot be any soccer without socializing, people would have to come together to play the sport. Not being able to go out to the park for a quick game or just to socialize and have a sense of brotherhood. Another thing I have learned is that we as a people can still come together to socialize through other mediums. I have seen parties, graduations and other events done virtually and that demonstrates to me how innovative we can be as human beings and adapt to different situations. We have changed the way we entertain with live streaming on different social media platforms.


  1. Here You Will Give credit to THE SOURCE(s) of this new information and tell us bit more about this/these sources and why you like them. Show us where we can go to find them.

This video serves as a source to give some insight on the skills, physicality, strength and determination it takes to be a soccer player. It is also displayed by the team I have been a fan of since my boyhood days:


A little insight into the world of Soccer

4: Context/Brief explanation to explain your skill/interest*

Playing soccer is like any other sport, it takes physical attributes, mental toughness, hard work and determination. These things separate good players from great players. You should also be able to enjoy every moment you step on a soccer field to play a match, whether it may be with friends or some official games. It is also a great way to stay fit due to the constant sprinting back and forth. I have been fascinated by this sport since I was young boy and the passion for the sport never dies, I get filled with excitement every time i get to lace up my cleats and step onto a soccer field.





After you communicate* with your partner, this is what you will both tell us in your shared PAIR document:

How ‘s it going Farley? It seems we have been paired to do this assignment and I am really looking forward to sharing my insight on soccer and hearing about your love for baseball.


1.What you have in common — where you meet on common ground on a deeper level, as well

K: From a short glance of what you have written I realize that we are both sportsmen who are passionate about our craft and have a genuine love for sports.


F: Yes, we have much in common as sportsmen as we know about our craft and know what takes to excel at the sport.


K: I realize you started playing at a young age, I used to play soccer as a pass time also when I was a kid. My time would entail running around aimlessly kicking the ball, I had no sense of what exactly to do also there was no structure to my game. As I got older and continued to play, I joined a soccer academy where I was able to nurture my raw talent and play the sport in a more structured way. By learning all the rules that affect the flow of play. I also played competitively in high school winning two championships and also playing in the first and premier divisions of my country’s national league.


???? ask questions of each other….

K:So tell me what made you gain interest in baseball? What spark or significant moment you had that made you develop the love you have for the sport?


F: I gained interest from my mom when she suggested that I join an outside baseball league for the summer. I never did play in the league, but I started watching pro baseball more and more, I didn’t actually start playing until freshman year of high school. Similar to you, I didn’t know much about baseball and mostly had raw talent. It wasn’t as until I got older that I started to gain more skill and knowledge about the game.


F: Do you still play soccer still to this day?


K: Yes, I still play soccer during spring and summer when I have more free time. I have not played competitively in a long while though, I mostly play to keep myself fit and it is fun and stress relieving.





2.What new thing(s) you learned from each other

F: I learned that soccer is almost inoperable without socializing. Soccer takes people coming together and playing the game, similar to baseball and how every player literally needs one another to keep a game flowing. Soccer requires physical toughness, similar to that of baseball.


K: I have learned that we both have similarities in how we got introduced to our respective sports and that we both love and enjoy the competition and brotherhood formed by playing sports. He did not start playing competitively until high school which was also similar to how my competitive career started.


3.What new thing the other person pushed you to learn about your own skill

F: Kebeon pushed me to learn why more people don’t exhibit the act of sportily brotherhood. What I mean by that is when a lot of people play baseball, they are only worried about their own performance and want to make themselves look good. Some baseball players don’t care about their teammate’s performance and won’t help them gain confidence when they have a bad game. I just want to understand why a lot of people don’t socialize more why playing this game.


K: Farley pushed me to realize that brotherhood in playing team sports is extremely important to have a great team performance and it also promotes a stronger bond with teammates. Playing soccer relies a lot on how well each member of the team communicates and works together.




4.What new perspective you gained from doing this exercise?

F: A new perspective I gained from this exercise is


K: From this exercise I have realized that no matter where you were raised there are people from different cultures that share the same upbringing and experiences that you have. We also share similar characteristics and the determination to strive for greatness in whatever we do.



The peer exercise was a very interesting one, the conversation between Farley and I  was a fruitful one. I felt like I got more insight on the sport of baseball due to Farley’s experience and love for the sport. I also found that we both express similar work ethics and always want to strive for the best. I think he will become an exceptional talent with his raw talent, hard work and determonation.



This unit has taught me that you can learn many things through interaction. You can learn how you and others have things in common and, also learn new things to add to your personal catalogue. Sometimes it may be a new skill like baking or cooking or information about a new sport which could heighten your interest. I have learned that just writing about a simple object that you possess can tell a lot about someone’s interests and personality. The class activities were always intriguing and encouraged my classmates and I to interact. My professor has great energy and was not afraid to open up about her own personal experiences during this tough time period we are in. that shows a lot of courage and character, it also made each student feel more confident to engage and interact with each other knowing our class was a safe space.

Overall each activity in unit three was amazing and I would give myself a lovely A.