Daniel Szocs

English 1121 402

Professor Shmerler


Unit lll – Learning from each other: affinity and inquiry

Table Of Contents:

Section 1: Your skill and interest during confinement with sources

Section 2: Your investigation of others’ skills and what you learned together

Section 3: Reflection and self assessment


Section 1:  My skills and activities are:



3)Basic Coding


Section 1:

I pick drawing because it is the skill I feel that I am strong at, I am more confident in my skills of drawing because it is something I have done since I was little. It started as me coloring into lines up until me creating the outlines which would be my drawing. Drawing always gave me the relief of being in total control of something, I used to use it as a way to let out frustration by creating an image of how I feel. In the past I was always scared of drawing because I thought that I was not good at it or that I would mess up horribly on it. However once I got past that fear I ended up making a ton of mistakes and learned from my mistakes. I ended up improving my skills in making the shapes of my drawings, to make more consistent and precise shapes that are very complex and unique to your basic shapes such as, squares and circles and rectangles and other polygons. I want to make a future in graphic design because I feel that it is a career that I will actually enjoy doing and learning more about. It even kills two birds with one stone because the future is going online and online artwork just sounds like a dream come true to me.  

Section 2:

I have learned from my partners about their skills, and have learned more things than I have already known. I surprisingly was able to compare and contrast their skills and knowledge and connect it to my own. The concept of any skill in my opinion can be connected with one another especially if those skills require a form of creativity. Forexample makeup, even though is nowhere as similar to drawing, also share the same core principles. I learned from Wala that women get misunderstood when wearing makeup, and that it is a form of art that takes practice to gain very outstanding results. I personally never saw makeup as a problem for women or for anyone, I have just always stayed silent on the subject since I know very little about it. But one of my group members opened my eyes when I saw that most women do not use makeup to hide insecurities. However they use it because they can and want to which to me felt so empowering. That’s when I started seeing both similarities to having that confidence looking good based on the artwork you made on paper and pen, and the artwork people wear on their faces that can make themselves more confident than ever. In my opinion drawing is art and art is anything that you can create from scratch and be able to admire or use. Thanks to my group member Wala, she showed me that even makeup and drawing can be similar. The sources that Wala used in her writing were:  https://www.theodysseyonline.com/10-things-cosmetics.


  My other group member, Jordy’s skill was about video games and at first I did not know how drawing and video games can be seen as art. However then I read his skills paper and related it to when he was talking about practicing to make himself better at the game he plays. Looking at this a different way I can relate to that because everyone starts from the first level before learning how to beat the game no matter what the game is. If it is makeup and drawing, the two hobbies no one would think twice to see how all three skills are similar. I used to train in a game as well when I was in highschool and I ended up getting good results when I would play with my friends. The same can be said for me with drawing as well, because I started with lines and coloring. Then went on to creating three dimensional illusions that make the artwork look real when first looked at. Jordy’s information about practice makes perfect in his skills paper is not something that can be researched like what materials make up are made from, or drawing techniques that make your artwork come out better than you had first expected it to. His main idea of practice makes perfect comes from an inner experience that is not the same as reading two articles of how to draw or do makeup. That inner experience is something that has to be gained from level one to the last level. Meaning that experience has to come from first knowing very little about the skill you are pursuing and then practicing to the point where you unlock more knowledge of said skill to the point where you become a professional. This feeling of confidence starts from learning and then it builds up when you are done learning and become an expert in your said skill. That is what I have learned from both Jordy and Wala.

Section 3:

After reading other people’s papers and about their skills, I have learned that we are all the same no matter what skill we know. No matter how different the skill is, it does not mean that the path to learning more about it is any different from one guy onto the other. I have learned myself from my experiences that drawing is only effective if you let it be effective. That means if you have the urge or will to start something then finish that said something, then you are getting the necessary distraction or self therapy of creating something that can give you positive feelings when looked at. This project overall in my opinion is very good and I had a good experience learning about the pathway that the other person took to get to the level of professionalism that they have achieved in their skill and how alike it was to my own pathway to reaching the professionalism that I have gained from my own practice and experience. In my work and effort I would give myself a C strictly on lateness of this assignment.