Week 3



I haven’t drawn for myself for a while. The last time so was on Nov 19. I don’t mean practicing my drawing for school. I mean a drawing that I do for my enjoyment. I even tried to draw a story driven comic. The problem was I didn’t really have a story yet. I was making it up along the way and I went and only made it to seven pages. I want to do more with it, but I can’t without an idea of where it’s going.




I registered for my classes. Last time I did it a bit late but now I made sure to get it done early. When it comes to organizing a new schedule, I take into account the time I want to work on homework. My first schedule was so busy that I felt I can’t really focus on my homework equally. Most of my time was focused on Graphic Design Principles 1 and Type & Media. They were super time consuming and it didn’t help that I can’t work on T&M on Wednesdays since my schedule was full. Why was my schedule so busy? Well, I only had the opportunity to schedule during the summer. Plus, there was trouble getting me into an English class.

After my first semester, I was able to set up my schedule how I want. In the beginning of registration, I put it to the side of my attention. Not only I wasn’t too sure on how to organize a schedule, I was also busy with schoolwork to pay it any mind. Eventually, I sit down and think up a schedule. One thing for sure, I didn’t want a late-night schedule. Those took the energy out of me. Also, no, there’s classes in one day. I try to stick to that rule to the best I can. I kept in mind of the time I have between classes. I was so proud of my schedule for this semester. I finished work early, I had more free time and I had sleep! (Most of the time).

For Fall 2020, I feel ok about my schedule. It’s not the best but I think it can still work. The only thing that stinks is having to do late night Philosophy class. All the other options were just as bad and conflicted with other classes. However, what makes this still way better than my first semester is that it’s one call per week and it’s the only one on Thursday. I just hope it’s not boring.




Yes! It’s time to relax from homework. Today marks the first day of spring vacation. It may be two days long but I will enjoy it! And how will I spend it? By doing homework of course! I just saw that I was sent a message revision for Tuesday Raster & Vector class. Funny yesterday I asked if everything was due by the next class. I guess she changed her mind. Luckily, I caught it on time.


Done! Now I can have my vacation. The first thing I’m going to do is… take a nap.




After I had ‘brunch’ (breakfast and lunch), I checked on discord to see what my friends were up to. They were playing a very relaxing game called, Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I never played these series before and surprisingly I enjoyed it more than I expected too. It’s a life simulation that plays in real- time, meaning the time in reality is the same in the game. It’s funny. This game came out the perfect time. It was released before GameStop closed and everyone is home with nothing to do. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to catch some fish from the sea with my friends.




The day has finally come. The game I’ve been anticipating for four years. All I have to do now is get out that door and buy it at Target.


I stood on line outside. Everyone was a few feet apart and was waiting patiently against the entrance of closed stores. I stood on the other side of the sidewalk as my mom stood in line. I did that because pigeons were perched on the edge of the building. I didn’t want pigeon waste to ruin my morning. Especially on this big day.


I’m home! Now all I have to do is put the disc in the player. Back then I usually watched ‘let’s plays/playthrough’ of games I don’t have or plan on getting. I decided to get a PlayStation 4 two years ago. It was mostly because for two other games I really wanted to experience for myself. News about Final Fantasy 7 Remake was silent three years until the year of 2018. As I waited for the game to download on my console, I took a nap. I didn’t get sleep last night and I don’t want to feel tired while playing.


I woke up around 1pm and almost went straight to playing. I got a hold of my friends on discord and sent a link to a stream on Twitch, so they could see what I’m playing. I was the one that’s mostly talking but it was still fun. I’m three hours in the game, and so far, it’s an excellent experience.

The combat system is more than a mindless button mash. The game encouraged me to try something new with different enemies. It takes a while to take them out, so I have to figure ways to take them out quickly. For example, an enemy had a riot shield that prevented me from hitting him with my sword. So I used a counter attack, meaning when the enemy attacked me while I am defending, My character I am playing as attacks them back. Another way to take out energy is usually magical attacks they are weak to. Do that builds up a bar that makes them demobilized for a certain amount of time. This stuff sounds pretty geeky… but I don’t care. I’m enjoying myself with my new distraction.




Welp! I am done for today. When I woke up after my nap. I’m too tired to keep my eyes open.