March 28 Saturday


Quarantine day ??? I’ve lost count. I did not know it was going to be this boring staying home. all those time I wished to stay home and not go out with my mom I take it back no way in hell I’m going to say that again.

My family gets together every weekend , we went from that to being trapped in the house doing nothing. we still FaceTime but its not the same. we play bored games on face time with is fun for a bit but turns into a downier after a little while. what can I tell you, theres nothing interesting  no more its like my life is in this loop that repeating its self.wake up ,eat ,sleep , walk up ,eat, sleep.

omg the food brooooo I know some you love home made food and yes I do too but when your the one cooking it every single day hell no. Breakfast ,Lunch and Dinner kill me please. I swear when this quarantine S**** ends I’m gonna order take out for a month. matter of fact no I’m gonna eat out everyday for a month.

March 29 Sunday


My dad just asked me to get get him pizza form the pizzeria near my house with out telling my mom. so got dresses and told my mom I was going to the neighbors for a bit. I went out and when I got there my luck, they were closed -_- bummer all this work for nothing. so I went home when I was telling my dad my mom overheard us talking she starting laughing and said this what happened when you go behind my back. so she decided to make home made pizza. we made three pies two for us and 1 for the neighbors


March 30 Monday


I can’t believe I’ve lasted this long with out Starbucks its been since we last had physical classes. at least the Dunkin near my house is still open I’ve gotten caramel lattes 4 times since I’ve been in house arrest so far, and no I didn’t go out my neighbors got it for me they can live without ice coffees lol so I just ask them to get me one on there way.

today my brother got me those glass  Starbucks Frappuccinos that you buy anywhere and a muffin. that was the closes I came to a Starbucks drink … I don’t really like them that much but its better than nothing.

March 31 Tuesday

Today was literally homework  day. I woke up at 10:50 made breakfast cleaned the house  then chilled for a while, then at 2:00 I started my bio homework and believe me when I tell you I’m not done. from 2:00 to 7:00 all I did was a stupid graph.

The professor gave us this complicated piece of shit graph for no damn reason that took me and two other girls in our group the whole day but at least we finished it and all that’s left is the conclusion

APRIL 1 Wednesday

Every year on this day my friends and I used to have the time of our lives pranking our families for April fools.we would literally FaceTime to show each other the reactions of our family members. by the end of the day I would have scared all of my family members but my dad. I never got him its like no matter what I did he doesn’t even flinch, ugh which gets me sooo annoyed. but that’s besides the point because today is April 1, Wednesday April fools and it feels like a lazy Sunday. my family is all over, some are laying on there beds and some are sleeping and I’m the only one hopping around the house trying to find something to do. I’ve never felt this bored in my entire life 🙁 🙁 and to top it all the weather was so  pretty today 🙁 🙁

#corona sucks  

April 2 Thursday

okay lets see its 10:00pm I’m sitting on my bed trying to recall any stories or anything intersecting that’s worth telling but nope nada nothing  lol that’s my sisters name is NADA anyways ooo yes my mom and I made cake today and it was delicious sooooo good here ill insert a picture of it y’all can drool over it hahahaha lol im weird…. #when boredom strikes


FRIDAY April 3

…. nope still nothing its still boring  its 12:02 my family is getting ready to go to the masque to pray jum3ah yeah no, were tired of this quarantine sh*** were going today gotta go byeeeeeee