Capone shines my shoes is a book is one of the few books I read in my life. I bought it right after my teacher read it to me when I was in elementary school. This book talks about a family that moves to Alcatraz because of the father who works as a guard and the main character have many Adventure and try to make friends with the other kids.

I remember reading this book about how the main charter tries to make friends with the other kids. When he does talks the other kids it was pretty petty special the warden’s daughter she was mean and rude. Moose, the main charter find another way to entertain himself by learn cool spot on the island or he talk to other guard or workers leaning about the inside life. I just love reading the book and learning how the 1935 lifestyle. Like how in Alcatraz any clothing gets clean by the prisoner but they are not allowed to clean women’s items of clothing. Or how there was a rumor that Alcatraz had a secret tune to LA (Chinatown) that how prisoner escape.

This book brings me memories a few books I bought back then the most book I bought in telemetry school was Captain Underpants I bought all of them. But I knew Capone shines my shoes they came out with another book but I haven’t had the chance of buying the book because one I get lazy two I have a feeling I would not read it after I buy it. But the best part about Capone shines my shoes were there was a map that shows you the whole island and that part just brings back many memories.