I started re-reading the Anne Frank diary; I was previously assigned to read a few pages back in high school. I don’t remember what exactly I read in high school, but I know learning about her was a good experience. So given the chance to reread, it felt like it would be interesting to remember a little about Anne’s life and what she went through.

Reading through her diary I remembered how well she would describe everyone, as she was very specific in her writings. She basically gave a glimpse of how she would spend her time, either with whom or where. I found that very catching because makes you can imagine yourself as part of this diary too, even if was years ago. Something Anne wrote that I found very inspiring was “the finest thing of all is that I can at least write down what I think and feel, otherwise I would suffocate completely.” It was nice to see how Anne wrote her letters to her friend Kitty.

I like how Anne wrote her letters in a very organized way and in a lot of details, she didn’t leave any detail out or at least tried not to. She would write her diary entries, each having a beginning, middle and end, she would pick off from where she left off in her last entry.. Compared to how she writes her diary, it seems a bit similar to my own way in that I try to be specific on what I’m doing during specific hours of the day. This keeps my writing more organized and it gives the reader a sense of how my day is going. I know her writing style also reminded me more of writing a letter to someone then splitting on different hours of the day.