Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Assignment #1_Maher

March 23rd

7:30 AM: As another week begins, the time at which I wake up is one of the few things that’s remained consistent since the beginning of the semester. Like usual, I find myself checking my phone for the first few minutes before I begin preparing for my English class and awaiting this week’s assignment to be posted. After all, English is the only class of mine that doesn’t involve online streaming through blackboard or Zoom. For me, this means additional time to shower and as per my mom’s advice, to drink hot water with lemon as a detox. Feeling refreshed, I’m now ready for the day’s tasks.

10 AM: My math class began with a rather rough start, with my microphone not working for attendance and later ended off just as smoothly with our professor informing us of a quiz next Monday after our lengthy lecture on polynomials binomials. Needless to say, I was excited at that news.

6 PM: In the time in between and until dinner, I started on my homework assignments for math and later left to purchase groceries (milk, eggs, lettuce and the such) for my family. Due to barber shops being closed, I gave myself a haircut and surprisingly, it looks decent if I say so myself. However, that doesn’t mean that I’d prefer the current circumstances over the normal. I suppose very few would. 

March 24th

7:30 AM: Once again, I woke up fairly early although this time with a different motive in mind. While I still checked my phone, I exchanged a portion of that time in favor of cleaning my car with my younger brother. Honestly, he was there for encouragement rather than assistance and to me that was more than enough. 

12 PM: After a late breakfast with my family, I was looking forward for my lab class being live streamed by one of my professors today and as expected, it didn’t disappoint. Surely, it’s different than performing them myself but it remains just as fascinating to observe and later analyze the results in our lab reports. There’s usually never a concrete conclusion and with various possible outcomes, it only grows more interesting. 

5 PM: Today my sister took the responsibility of making the family’s meals and I couldn’t complain when she set the dinner table for cheeseburgers and homemade fries. As if it couldn’t get any better, she brought out a delicious strawberry cake, it really helped me push through writing a lab report and my other homework assignments with.

March 25th

8 AM: Although I woke up at 7:30 AM, I decided to rest for an additional half an hour before I began the day. I slept late last night and although I initially considered it as time lost, I knew that it was essential to function well throughout the day.  Contrary to most days, I exchanged my bowl of oatmeal in favor of cereal and poured myself a serving of Honey Bunches of Oats with almond milk. For some reason, I can’t get used to the milk’s cardboard-like taste. I suppose the unfamiliarity is something that’s in common with the concept of online classes. It’s difficult for me to overcome both barriers. 

10AM: Math class, as usual, went by quickly due to our professor’s light-hearted nature despite his somewhat boring lectures. I’ve noticed his efforts in creating a welcoming environment for the students on livestream and knowing it’s a new situation for him too, I appreciate his inclusiveness and attention to detail. Despite online learning creating a greater pressure on students to self-teach, he is consistently available for any clarifying questions. That is also something I’ve found to be beneficial through this transition to online learning. 

10 PM: The remainder of the day was spent with my family, with a big portion of it dedicated to entertaining my niece Reham as she rested. Although I’ve been working to create a better sleep schedule for myself, sleeping late has been a consistent issue for me. Usually, I try to counter this by engaging in skincare, which serves as a stress reliever, or taking melatonin before bed. Sometimes however, it seems that neither are enough. Either way, being halfway through the school week remains a reassurance to which I can eventually rest on. 

March 26th

7:30 AM: With the sun beaming brightly, I had a feeling it was going to be a good day as I forced myself out of bed and downstairs to have breakfast. Today, I found oatmeal more appealing as I mixed in strawberries and some tiny blueberries  and planned out my day. It’s been a while since I’ve been outside, and the weather only served as a greater reason to do so. It seems that many others felt the same as I spotted a family walking along the block (all six feet apart). 

12 PM: After my math class’ livestreamed lesson, I drove to grab coffee via the Dunkin Donut since all starbucks are closed and grabbed an ice latte before heading to a local park. I sat down on a nearby bench and observed things I’d never noticed before despite having been there numerous times. It’s surprising how much we miss when we’re invested in our busy lives even when it’s right in front of us. It was its tranquility that rooted me in place, long after I finished my coffee and started on my way back home. 

6 PM: The week’s work is now weighing down on me as Friday feels closer than ever and I want nothing more than the weekend to come. With being limited in social interactions, it’s been difficult to remain in touch with many of my friends. Despite it being the era of communication, social media doesn’t compare to in-person interactions and their importance in our character development. It seems that at this rate, all that’s increasing is my screen time (and exponentially too). I know that this alternative interaction will eventually become second nature and seem nothing out of the ordinary to me. Until then, each day brings new challenges.


  1. Farley

    Lol I liked the cheeseburger part, I made some today with fries for my sister and mom. I wish I could’ve had turkey burgers…but I only had ground beef.

  2. Sarah Schmerler

    Maher, this post deserves more comments. It’s really good and thoughtful and full of detail mixed with inner insight. I particularly like the transition from this part to the next day: “I drove to grab coffee via the Dunkin Donut since all starbucks are closed and grabbed an ice latte before heading to a local park. I sat down on a nearby bench and observed things I’d never noticed before despite having been there numerous times. It’s surprising how much we miss when we’re invested in our busy lives even when it’s right in front of us. It was its tranquility that rooted me in place, long after I finished my coffee and started on my way back home.”

    also: You understand that our class is doing asynchronous learning, and I appreciate that awareness! You didn’t have a Planet meeting yet which is too bad because you would have gotten some good feedback and community. : – )

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