Big Ideas Welcome Here


March 24 :Day 1  CAESAR’S  BAY, NEW YORK 


Dear Diary,

Today Is the 3rd day on quarantine honestly I don’t know what to feel about this anymore I have a whole load of emotions going on. feel like I’m missing something but I don’t know what it is. 5:20pm I’m sitting on bed with my pink furry blanket on, just finished doing some chemistry homework which was sooooooo annoying. I don’t even know if the answers are correct  but to hell with it my head is killing me from reading too much science. As I sit there wondering what’s next I get that same feeling again. what is it ? I tell my self I try to remember if I’m missing something but nothing comes to mind, enough of this thinking mumbo jumbo I hear my mom calling gotta go byeeeeee


I just had to come back and write this my sister is soo bored with her life right now she’s talking to ALEXA telling her she’s so bored and that my dad took away her phone I couldn’t stop laughing  #quarantine


DISCLAIMER: If you haven’t noticed by now I really love the color pink. my whole room is pink, but not the kids kinda of pink its classy and elegant.


MARCH 25   Day 2:  

I was in my biology online class today at 10 am, very boring  all my professor did was literally read off the slides I could’ve done that on my own time instead of waking up and listening to him read.I was really sleepy I couldn’t keep my eyes open I was up till 2 yesterday. all because Im  so hooked on  this show called “Kosem Sultan.” its about this Turkish king and his wife named Kosem, how they battled everyone around them for wanting the crown, they killed everyone who gets in their way  anyways back to the class. to honest  I wasn’t gonna read the slides I’m just saying I could. I just wanted to sleep.

It was 10 min till class ending when a student asked the professor about an email CUNY sent out to everyone about online classes closing from march 27 to April 2. that’s when I really opened my eyes because as much I like the whole online classes thing I don’t to wake up at  8 for them .I was so happy to hear that I. got up dancing finally I can sleep till 12 in the afternoon like the rest of my family what a relief to top this news that same student added that spring break was gonna be held from April 8 to April 10 three more days the professor told her what r they crazy why don’t they just close school for the rest of the semester who ever “THEY “are we all started laughing. He said that there wasn’t gonna be time to do actual work or assignments. he mad a good point actually but who cares at the moment we just want to sleep .


DISCLAIMER: you can click on the photo to make it bigger 🙂


So last night around 12am I went on webwork to see if my math professor uploaded the quiz and when I went on it I accidentally opened it. I went back real quick at the time I thought it was fine and didn’t count but when I went on  just now 5:30 pm, It had said that my time ran out and that it was closed 🙁 . I’m so bummed right now I emailed the professor to open it but she hasn’t replied yet . lets just hope she emails me back and open it because I have her in the morning at 8:00  sharp so fingers crossed.

March 26


update I just had my math class and I wasn’t the only one having trouble with the quiz so the professor finally announced  that although webwork won’t let her re-open the quiz she’s still gonna help us out by adding another quiz this week and cancel the other one and foe the people that didn’t have trouble shell just take the highest grade.

there is  a downside to this I tried taking the quiz  3 times after it closed which is wired because it already closed I don’t know why it would allow me to open it three more times anyways that dropped my over all grade from 100% to 80% . I told her about it she said shell see if she can remove them but she droughts it but at the end of the semester she just not count them. but I just have this felling inside me that’s really annoying I just want it gone it messed up my whole grading system.d


  1. Wala Nagi

    Me and my sister are into Turkish shows too! I only watched one Turkish show and it was called “Siyah Beyaz Ask” and I loved it. I couldn’t find a show like it after.

    My dad was planning on taking our phones too and I looked at him as if he had 7 heads. We couldn’t bare the idea on being locked down without our phones because sanity would be gone by then and we all would go crazy.

  2. Antonio

    Just laughed at your sister talking to Alexa, ha-ha. I’m pretty sure Alexa might of said a smart remark to answer her. Same thing happen to me with a math quiz as well but luckily my professor was able to re-sent it to all students since half the class had trouble doing it.

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