Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Assignment 1_Wala

Spring 2020 in New York City

Wala Nagi 1121- D402

March 23rd, 2020

Dear Diary,

Itā€™s Monday, I woke up very moody. 6:00am, my psychology midterm needed to be taken. 50 questions all required to be done in an hour which is beyond ridiculous.. I didnā€™t even get to finish some questions which I’m very upset about and my computer kept lagging. My professor prefers us to call him when a situation happens and it was around 6:44am and I had a feeling he wasnā€™t up but we’re talking about my midterm right now so I didnā€™t care. But surprisingly, heā€™s an early bird.Ā 

Me; ā€œHey professor, itā€™s Wala Nagi, I was taking the midterm and a lag had happened and the whole website froze and Iā€™m not sure what to do.ā€

Ā Professor S; ā€œI canā€™t help you right now just do what you can doā€ *beep beep beep*…I know he didnā€™t just hang up on me. RUDE. So much for online classes right!! There were two parts to the exam, the first part was 30 multiple choice, to the garbage by the way.. and part 2 was 20 short answers, my anxiety was over 10000 praying it wonā€™t lag again because if it did, my professor would think I’m cheating, which I wasnā€™t.Ā 

8:00am comes and I get an email from my professor; ā€œHereā€™s a redo for part 1 and I apologize for the lag and hope it doesnā€™t happen again. I hope all is well.ā€ I kind of forgave him for hanging up on me šŸ™‚ I took the test again, submitted it, and went right back to sleep.


March 24th, 2020

About the coronavirus situation, I know beforehand I said it all seems like crap, but around 12:10pm, my father received a phone call from a friend, telling him a friend they both know was tested positive for the coronavirus. My father was in complete shock. I think it all comes to feel so surreal when a person you know is affected by the cause (me right now). Heā€™s in the hospital connected to a bunch of machines, a ventilator being one of them. No visitors are allowed to see him. My dad came to my siblings and I and said ā€œwe have to take this seriously, no one is allowed to go out, drink after anyone, or have a conversation unless you are 3 feet away from each other.ā€ It honestly feels like the clouds in the sky arenā€™t white anymore, the stars arenā€™t glistening and the air feels dangerous to inhale now. I pray for better days and for this all goes away.Ā 

3:31pm and Iā€™m probably on my 4th meal of the day. Shrimp tacos with tortilla chips dipped in homemade guacamole. *YUM* Quarantine made me realize a lot, let alone not realizing how much I eat in a day now. I was never an outside person, an early bird, a person to spend the whole day outside, so this ā€œlockdownā€ to me is amazing. I donā€™t ever have to leave my bed unless chores need to be done or my stomach needs a filling.Ā Ā 

However, now that Iā€™m told I canā€™t be out, my body has this sense of craving to want to do the opposite. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just me but if being told to do something, wanting to do the exact opposite sounds so much better to me. #sorrynotsorry.Ā 


March 25th, 2020

After the incident with my father’s friend catching the virus, he decided to lock all the doors because, knowing the sons he has, they donā€™t care if thereā€™s a hurricane right in front of the house or whatever the case may be, they always find a way to be outside. I have three brothers, but with this lock down, I feel like Iā€™m surrounded by 17 of them. One is always screaming theyā€™re hungry, the other is maybe throwing a pillow at someone, having to clean the house more than 4 times within the same hour, and the last one has the TV on the highest volume. All these distractions, making it hard for me to do my homework.Ā 


  1. Rshahbain

    omg me too!!! the other day my dad had the same phone call one of his fiends got the virus we were all shocked then next day they said he was fine but as soon as he got back form idk where they didn’t say, he fainted and was send to the hospital not god knows how he is šŸ™ šŸ™

  2. Antonio

    Wow !! so sorry to hear about your dad’s friend being infected with the virus. Is scary knowing any friend or family can catch this disease, I hope he gets better and stay’s positive. Glad to hear your professor let you re-do your midterm test, I would of been so pissed off a professor hanging up on me too.

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