Big Ideas Welcome Here

Blog 1 Jordy

Well I don’t feel scared about this virus as most people do, but I feel like people are just doing to much at this point. For insist, I saw someone today with a mask and gloves, and for each time he touched something in side the train, he would change the glove. To be honest I couldn’t believe it, but as soon as I left, I understood a bit. He didn’t want to spread it, as for me I wouldn’t do that. All I would do is go in the train car and just have my back on the door and that’s it. Not do all this extra stuff of buying masks and gloves changing them ever time. I just want all of my classmate to know that yes it can spread, yes you can be worried, but don’t act like this is the end of the world. For the one positive things I got from this whole virus is even though this virus is happening I like that I’m being more involved in what going around the world and my community. even though their doing this type of things. Lets not think about the virus too much and focus staying positive.


  1. Antonio

    I can relate to your experience on the train as well. I saw a woman wearing gloves and a mask and as bonus even had a lysol spray with her spraying her surrounding area. The people that were in the train car were just smiling and looking at her a little nuts. It’s fine taking precautions and being careful, but for others they’re taking it to the next level.

  2. Rshahbain

    omg trueeeee i also love that were making history just think about it years from now people r gonna be talking about and u can jump in and say yes I was there I experienced it at that time just be optimistic!!!

  3. Ariel Ruiz

    I feel like that just causes other people to get more anxiety about what’s going on. I guess people are just scared about a virus they don’t understand and can’t control.

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