Big Ideas Welcome Here

blog 2 -Ying Ying

I am doing fine right now. Been home for an entire week already. My parents stocked up on everything we needed. The weather’s nice out. I  just want to go out to see my friends and go to work. To me, there’s really nothing to do at home. All I’ve been doing is watching Netflix. My job still pays me for the next five weeks to just stay home and text/call my students’ parents to see how they are doing twice a week. Online classes are about to start and I would rather just go to school instead.  



  1. Sarah Schmerler

    And we’d rather have you in class, Ying Ying!
    Can you tell us more about what you do? I don’t think that the students know about your job.
    Are your texts reassuring the parents…or are you just keeping them posted on work? It sounds like you are in a position, like mine, of having to keep tabs on people. It isn’t that easy, at least for me.
    -Prof. S.

  2. Jennifer Lin

    Very interesting on how my workplace us do the same thing as yours. By any chance, do you Work for CPC?
    Also, I agree with you that I will rather be going to school and work. I kinda miss my kids although they do get on my nerves here and there.

    • Ying Ying

      Yes, I work with first graders at p.s 124. which site do you work at?

      • Jennifer Lin

        Oh wow, what a small world! I work with K-1 in PS 170 in Brooklyn.

  3. MIMI

    Same my parent stock up on everything, and I want to go hang out after this virus come out and get KBBQ with me. My working place is making me teach an online class.

  4. Rshahbain

    did you guys see that post of people being sick of Netflix or their phones in general that had me weak cuz its sooo true there’s nothing to do at home especially if u live in a tiny apartment

  5. jordy

    I agree my parents have also stack up on food and supplies. As if this is the end of the world. All you would see is like 15 bags of grocery. I started to laugh when i saw the bags.

  6. Ariel Ruiz

    I wish to go outside too. My head has actually started to hurt constantly BECAUSE I haven’t been going out. Staying home makes me feel caged.

  7. Nakiyah Cantey

    Same my mother stocked up on so much food and water to last a lifetime, but yet she still insist on buying more food. I don’t where my mother is going to put all this food if she continues to buy more. I agree I can’t wait until this virus is over becauseI feel like as if I’m trapped in this house.

  8. Daniel Szocs

    Going outside sounds amazing to me too, and I would not mind going back to school, because being trapped inside all day is not good for anyone, Me and my mom tried to stock up on as much as we can and hopefully it is enough to last until someone decides it is okay to go outside again. I have binged shows on netflix to kill time I have nothing to do with, this reminds me of the 100 where we are stuck up on space waiting to go down to earth again. Hopefully this whole outbreak calms down to the point where we do not have to worry about going outside

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