Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry 2_Wala

When they first announced that classes will be held online for the rest of the semester, I couldn’t bare on how blessing it felt. Knowing I can do it all at home.. my favorite place. I didn’t think this virus was that big of a deal and I still don’t think it is, but to see how it was able to shut down almost the world, was honestly very shocking. Who knew a virus that has the same symptoms as the flu was going to be handled as a hurricane hitting our city. I came across a video on instagram, a lady, lets call her lady #1, was hunting for toilet paper and couldn’t find any, then coming across lady #2, realizing her cart is filled with the toilet papers as she had taken all of it. So when lady #2 wasn’t looking, lady #1 took one and lady #2 along with the members she was with, beat her to death. I don’t think you know how much of a disgusting world we live in and how I feel like the media drives these people insane. Toilet paper? Really? I hope April 1st comes and the government pulls a “April fools” on us cuz this is all seems like a joke. As for me, I’ve been bored out of my mind staying home all day doing nothing. The last time I went out was yesterday, since last week. I saw this coffee trend on tik tok and needed some ingredients from Walgreens. Just two steps, three ingredients and after one taste.. Starbucks who? ( by the way I’m on my second cup 😉 ) I honestly don’t feel productive anymore compared to how I used to feel when coming to actual class by my own two feet. This blessing feels like a set up. It’s more responsibility and easy for me I feel like, to be held accountable for missing anything. It feels more so of being finished with the semester than it is online classes. There’s no more ability to do anything when staying home rather than to just eat, catch up on TV shows and sleep.


  1. Rshahbain

    OMG the other day my mom went out to get paper towels but when she got there there was none left but this lady had 2 in her cart she saw my mom and turned around and told my mom here u can take one I had two

  2. Sarah Schmerler

    People! Behavior! Think of it this way, Wala: You are a writer, and now you can have some amaaaazing stories to tell — and what’s more, they are all true. One day you may be glad you did your English homework (ha!) and kept track of all this insanity.
    It is hard to stay disciplined. And yet, it is a comfort to be home. Yes, life is full of contradictions.
    Hey: write that down! That was a good intro sentence to another Diary entry.
    : – )
    Keep us posted, Wala,
    -Prof. S.

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