Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry 2_Ariel

I am actually not ready to have online class…..AT ALL. I personally don’t like the idea, but it’s the only option at the moment. I have never attempted an online class because I like going to class and physically being there for the lesson. I prefer to have the teacher in person and be in class, because it’s less distracting. The idea of being in class, helps me to ONLY FOCUS in that certain subject and to not get distracted. I am mostly worried about Anatomy and Physiology because for some lessons it’s important for you to feel and touch. For example when analyzing the skeletal system, where you need to memorize each curve and dent on the bone….and memorize their names too… suprascapular fossa. I’ve been so bored at home that I have been cleaning all parts of the house. I also went Costco the other day.  And there were people fighting for food, it was like witnessing animals fighting in the Discovery channel. I know this is just a way to stop the spread of the virus, which they are trying to control. Everyone one is anxious and I try my best to not be affected emotionally or it will affect my studies. I pray this ends soon. And I hope everyone one along with their family stays safe!


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    I totally agree with you about the in-person class experience, Ariel. You know I like to perform and talk and interact with people. And I always see you paying attention to what’s going on in the room. Even if you are not speaking, you are listening to what’s being said — not only by me, but by others in the class.
    I guess I should use the past tense now.
    However, we will meet these challenges. Right? I would be curious to hear if you had any ideas of your own — some assignment or strategy that would make you happiest during this trying time. I will consider.
    Yes, Costco sounds like Lord of the Flies.
    I got sad shopping in a big store; then I went to a couple of small, local businesses and felt a lot more sane.
    -Prof. S.

  2. Masha Sukkur

    I agree too with the online classing experience. Some of my professors know how to use modern technology while some doesn’t because they are old. My computer science and math professors are old so it’s hard for them to use online classing tools and since they are old, it’s really hard to understand what they are teaching. I’m also trying to not be too emotional about this whole quarantine situation but what I’m mostly worried about is gaining weight. Sitting in my house and not going to the gym is really impacting my body so I really hope all of this ends soon and I hope you and your family stay safe.

  3. Maher Sharhan

    Yes for the past week ive been going to costco, Jetro and other big companies to stock up incase of emergency and the people are going absolutely crazy. A woman accidentally hit someones foot with her cart and a fight almost broke out.

  4. Kenny Uruchima

    There are a number of changes that have occurred lately but I understand when you mention that it’s better to physically be in class rather than be at home with so many distractions. It’s crazy too how big wholesale stores have been running out of certain items but I feel like if all stay home then there wouldn’t be much virus spreading around. The numbers have been rising drastically but just keeping yourself distracted maybe working on new things or going back to old things can help keep your mind from this crisis.

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