Big Ideas Welcome Here

New Assignment for next class! Blog Post. For Mar 10 and 11.

Hi Class. I hope you are all well. It’s going to be important in the coming weeks that we all be able to communicate easily, and it’s also possible that we may need to communicate long distance. So: I have a new assignment for you. Write a Blog Post. Here. To This Site. Here is the prompt:

How are you feeling during this conronavirus situation? What is helping you cope? What behaviors are you noticing in yourself or in others? Do you have any insight or news or advice for your fellow students? And finally, can you list at least one or two positive things that are coming out of this experience for you?

Feel free to upload photos to your post. Please comment or refer to other posts as you read them in you post(s). We want 100% participation. We want to flood the course site with posts and words. Yes, this will count as credit in UNIT 2: Genre. 

I will change the privacy settings on our website so that only those of us who are Members of the site will be able to read it.

thank you.

stay well!!


  1. Wala Nagi

    Before this coronavirus became a thing, I noticed how people used to be rather than how they’re starting to act. I watch how people react to a simple sneeze now, beforehand it was a battle on who was going to scream out “god bless you”, now you see people take 7 steps back from the person. Yesterday my dad came home with masks and this was not the original blue mask you see everyone wearing, it was the ones a construction builder would wear and I called him crazy. He told me if I weren’t to wear it, I’m not going to school and to me that didn’t sound bad but then again, education comes first. When ebola happened, everyone was reacting the same way but this time, worse. Like do you really think a 7oz hand sanitizer can cure it? No I didn’t think so. But everyone should be cautious because it is spreading pretty fast. Stay clean, sanitized, and careful. But don’t let this virus make you crazy like half the world has became.

  2. Ariel Ruiz

    I agree that people are over reacting. Yet I can understand why they would feel that way. We are dealing with a virus which we don’t know how to control and which is spreading fast. Many people fear what’s unknown and especially what they can’t control. They only we can do is follow good personal hygiene and be cautious. Of course we must be balanced when acting cautious. I’ve seen people be discriminated against when they cough and sneeze even if they cover themself with their elbow or tissue. I find it unfair. I believe that this experience has made us very strong as a community, since we are all trying to not spread the virus. Personally this experience has helped me practice remaining calm and staying positive.

  3. Maher Sharhan

    I think the corona virus is serious and should be taken seriously. According to the stats there are over 4000 deaths now, however 99% of these deaths are people who are over 60 years old, so it’s safe to say that the corona virus is a low risk for students. I would advise my fellow students to remain calm and take precautionary measures to ensure safety. Something I am noticing about other people is racism. During one of my subway rides in the subway two women were raging at an old asian man, telling him why they brought the virus here. Another case where a man sprayed an asian man with a febreze. This is an example of propaganda. I believe this is not okay and no one should be discriminated against or blamed for this break out. One positive thing about this virus is that people are taking better care of their health.

  4. Farley

    I feel frightened and annoyed by this Coronavirus scare, the reason is because people are actually suffering upon catching it and dying. I heard the virus affects your respiratory system and makes the person exhibit flu-like symptoms, to which the person would have to be quarantined in believed to have the virus. Another frightening thing is that people who even remotely show signs of being sick in public (especially those who appear to be of Asian descent) could be subject to assault and it has happened already. One instance was an Asian who was nearly beat up for standing next to a man, doing nothing and another situation was an African-American man was forced off the train for being sick. Without regards to my fears, I am very annoyed by the sudden sanitary actions of citizens. People are now germaphobes, which to my understanding should’ve been done before the outbreak if health was such an important issue. I further believe the radical sanitary actions of citizens are motivated by the trend of the virus rather than the actual health benefits.

    • Jordy Dominguez

      Well I don’t feel scared about this virus as most people do, but I feel like people are just doing to much at this point. For insist, I saw someone today with a mask and gloves, and for each time he touched something in side the train, he would change the glove. To be honest I couldn’t believe it, but as soon as I left, I understood a bit. He didn’t want to spread it, as for me I wouldn’t do that. All I would do is go in the train car and just have my back on the door and that’s it. Not do all this extra stuff of buying masks and gloves changing them ever time. I just want all of my classmate to know that yes it can spread, yes you can be worried, but don’t act like this is the end of the world. For the one positive things I got from this whole virus is even though this virus is happening I like that I’m being more involved in what going around the world and my community. even though their doing this type of things. Lets not think about the virus too much and focus staying positive.

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