During this tough time we as New Yorkers are going through a new virus, and it seems that some people are overreacting about this situation.  Personally I feel that precautions should be taken but not so drastically. Compared to the flu it has killed more people, but we know we are safe because there’s a vaccine for it and we panic because this new virus doesn’t have one yet. I’ve seen people on the train with masks (“even if they’re not the correct ones to have”) and even with gloves on. Just today on my way home from class I noticed that even when a man cover himself after sneezing, the two ladies that were sitting next to him, got up and left to another cart. He notice because he just smile and nodded his head. Advice that my biology teacher gave us, was just to wash our hands carefully and not to touch our face. This virus will continue to cause panic, but the more people panic the more everyone else gets stressed. Instead just look out for each other, remain calm and if you’re sick, or feeling any of the symptoms go to hospital.