Big Ideas Welcome Here

For Mar 9

Your typed Reflections on Unit 1 are due Mar 9. See previous posts for details.
The Readings you received were photocopied from The Bedford Book of Genres. Some students may already be familiar with strategies for active, analytical reading — or “reading rhetorically” — and some students may not. These readings are intended to help you and introduce you to the style and vocabulary of rhetorical reading. I won’t ask you to perform a specific response to these readings in your notebooks — I have your notebooks!  However, I strongly advise you to annotate them as you read and pay attention to any terms you don’t know. I started to highlight them myself, as you can see.

I chose this page, in particular, because it provides a helpful template to which we will refer in future.

Good work on John Cage! We will continue to discuss this as we move ahead.

I will update you on when you can pick up your Journals soon.


1 Comment

  1. Farley Grainger

    Good afternoon professor, I left my paper that you graded already in my notebook, I recall that you said I was able to revise and hand it in at a later date. When would be a good time for me to come and get it? If I do get it can I hand it in monday?

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